Meet the Newbie *NEW*

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Currently editing! I hope everyone likes this!
Dagian/Brin is my character but the rest is owned by the Riodan Master.

My name is Dagian and I am attempting to go to a place that my mother told me about. Camp half blood, a special place that is a safe haven for people that are different. She told me that if she dies, I need to head there as soon as possible. She had a unique ability to foresee certain events that was surrounded in death.
That's what I did after she was murdered by some robbers. But, as soon as I got close to where I was told it was, I started to get attacked by these giant dogs. Like, giant dogs that make some cars look mini.
"Damn, I wish I had some meat to distract them." I said to myself as I fell down after one tried to use my arm as a chew toy.
'I did not mean myself as the meat. I swear the fates are laughing at me.' I thought as it dug deeper with its teeth.
I started to think I was about to die, so I reached up to my necklace that my mother said that my father had gave me and started to pray. I was told that he was on the other side waiting for us. I have no memories of him.
'Dear family, if I die here, please welcome me into your arms.'
"Not your time dear child. Take my gift and live." I heard a voice say before my necklace started to change into a large bronze scythe.
The large dog that had my arm jumped back as soon as I summoned the weapon. Using my injured arm as the balance, I was able to slice one that was trying to tackle me. It turned to dust and then I heard yelling behind me.
"Hey new kid! Help has arrived!"
It looked like two blond kids and two dark haired kids running down the hill towards me. I saw one of the dogs leaping towards me and I turned to slice it. But due to the wound on my arm, I missed and it grabbed my injured arm. It shook it a bit before tossing me towards the other kids. Not a very graceful first meeting.
'Hi, come watch me get flung around like a rag doll.' Smooth, Dagian, smooth.
"Will! Heal him while I get rid of the hellhounds." The bigger blond said to the other blonde, who's name I guess is Will.
"Nico, can you talk to the hellhounds? I mean they are from your dad's place." The one dark haired one yelled out as he chased after the unknown blond.
"Percy! They're extremely wild! I doubt that my father could control them." The younger darker haired one, Nico, said as Will got to me.
"Hold still new kid, let Percy and Jason fight them while I fix this arm."
Now I have all the names of the ones helping me.
"What is your name so Will here can stop calling you new kid?" Nico asked me.
I felt a sharp pain in my arm then it had this tinkly feeling. Which means it is healed or this Will kid chopped off my arm.
"Done." Will said as I watched the other two finished with the hellhounds.
"Thank you with the patching up and the large dogs. But could you tell me where Camp Half Blood is?"
"Sure, we can take you there because it is just over this hill." Percy said as they walked up to us.
Will helped me up as Jason handed me my new scythe. It turned back into my star necklace as soon as it touched my hand.
"So we have a new demigod, I think the last one was three months ago." Jason said before he helped me walk up the hill.
"Dagian, which one is your mortal parent?" Nico asked.
That surprised me because mortal meant human and that demigod meant half god, so that must mean that my father must be a God.
"I think it was my mother."
"We are here." Percy said as a centaur came up to us.
After what I just heard, seeing a centaur was not that surprising.
"Claimed or unclaimed?"
I think they meant my father, because I don't know him.
"How about you four take him-" Something about hearing someone call me 'him' on first try made me happy. "-on the tour while I get dinner ready." Was the last thing the centaur said before walking away from us.
Will turned towards me and started to stare at me. After a few seconds, he blinked and pulled out an wrapped sandwich out of his pocket.
"Thank you." I told him as he handed me the sandwich.
"You keep sandwiches in your pockets?" Percy asked as I started eating.
"Yeah, I normally keep sandwiches on me just in case Nico skips a meal. I also have ambrosia, nectar, and unicorn draught on me as well."
"Well prepared." I said between bites.
"I am the camp doctor."
We started walking as they pointed out different places of the camp. I noticed from the corner of my eye, Will giving Nico a quick peck on his cheek. I guess this camp might be accepting of me. Finally, I was tired of being the outcast.
"So, demigod means half-god, then who are your godly parents?"
"Jupiter." I was about to point out the difference until he stopped me. "I know its Roman, I will explain after you settle a bit here."
"Cool! Your father is Hades."
Nico looked so shocked at my words. Percy and Jason looked surprised while Will was smiling.
"What's so cool about my father?"
"When I was younger, I would read many mythology books and I noticed that Hades wasn't as praised as much as the other gods. I mean death and darkness are important. If it wasn't for the Underworld, the world we live in would be overpopulated."
When I finished, I noticed Nico started to smile. He hugged me and by the look of the others shocked looks, he doesn't do this often. There was only one problem, I still have a injured arm and the hug was hurting it.
"Nico, you might want to let go before he faints or bleed out." Will said and Nico stopped hugging me.
Jason grabbed me as I started to fall back.
"Here, try this. It might help."
Will handed me a bottle and I quickly drank it. It tasted like my mother's homemade ice cream cakes. After finishing the strange drink, I saw Will staring at me.
"It is not healing as fast as it should."
"Try unicorn draught." Nico said before sticking his hand in Will's pocket, he pulled out a small silver vial. "It works better with me than Ambroia does."
It didn't have a taste at all but we watched as the wound started to heal faster.
"Cool!" They gave me funny looks. "What? I used to get hurt all the time and something like this would have help back then."
A loud bell went off.
"And that's the dinner bell." Jason told me before I started to follow them.

Hope everyone likes this so far!! Please vote🌟, follow👍, or comment📞! I will try to post next chapter next week!

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