Not Dead Yet! *NEW*

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Sorry for the Monty Python pun! I just had to because it was perfect. Well, to those who have reads this story all the way. Thank you. You readers are the true heroes in every story. 💧I'm getting sappy over here. Time to finish the story!


'Is it dead? Can I poke it with a stick?'
'Apollo! You can't poke him with a stick!'
'Why not? If he is dead, then he won't know!'
'Don't make me use my arrow on you again!'
'I think he is waking up.'
I opened my eyes and I was on a white marble floor. There were 12 chairs around me and there was people in all of them. Eros was trying to attack one guy that looked like Will. My head was pounding as I sat up.
'Demigod, do you know where you are?' The god in the center asked.
"Mount Olympus?"
'Smart child.' A woman, that looked like Annabeth, spoke.
"Why am I here?" I asked as the pounding got worse.
'Because you are supposed to be dead.' A voice said behind me.
I slowly looked up and I could tell that he was Hades.
'Are you able to stand?' I think it was Zeus who asked.
I tried to get up, but I started to fall down. Eros ran over and grabbed me.
'Child, what is the last time you remember?' A god, that looked like Percy, asked.
"Psyche was about to show us her true form to kill us. I blocked everyone's view of her. Then, I stabbed her as I started to burn away."
'So that's how he did it!' Athena said and I just blinked at her. 'You absorbed Psyche's energy and was able to survive. With an extra bonus.'
Eros leaned down and kissed my cheek.
'You became a god.'
I must have turned red because a lady, who I could not tell her face, started to squeal.
'So cute! Young Love!'
'Child.' Zeus said as he got down from his chair. 'You are not yet a full god because most of the energy is sleeping within you. It will take time for your body to prepare itself for becoming a god.' He turned to the other gods. 'You can all leave except Aphrodite and Eros.'
They followed his word as Aphrodite walked over to me. Zeus left shortly after them.
'Let me fix you up before you return to the other demigods.'
"Just one quick question before you fix me up. If I am to become a god later. Who would I be exactly?"
'You are going to become a minor god of Loving Death. For those who have died for and by love. Just like you almost did.' Eros explained as Aphrodite nodded her head.
'Can't have the god of Loving Death, feel uncomfortable in their body.' She had a type of pink glow on her hands and then the glow hit me in the chest. 'There! He is ready!' She turned around and started walking.
"Thank you."
'I approve of this one! Your other one was rude.'
He laughed before grabbing my hand.
'Look at me.' I looked into his eyes that kept on changing. 'I am sorry that you became a god. I understand if you are mad at me.'
"I'm not mad, shocked maybe, but not mad. I mean what was my other choice? To die and never see you again?"
He smiled wide before grabbing my face. I was surprised at first, but then I deepen the kiss. His lips were soft and they fit perfectly with mine. My hands moved to his hair as his moved to the base of my wings. He pulled away from me and I knew I must have been red. I looked away while trying to hide my blush.
'Don't be shy. I like how you are turning into the color of love.' He moved away and I noticed that we were nearby the camp. 'I have been wanting to give you a full kiss for a while now.'
"I can see why you are the god of passionate love." He turned red at my words. "Eros, when will I see you again?"
He put his finger to his chin and he looked like he was thinking.
'I might come in about a week, because they would want someone training your powers and you can't blast a god with your true form.' He pulled me into a hug. 'Go have fun being human.'
He opened his white wings and flew up. I waved bye until he disappeared from my eyes. I started walking towards the camp, and I could hear talking.
'Yeah, yeah! Merry Christmas! Blah, blah blah.' I can't believe that he actually said 'blah'. 'After the bonfire tonight, everyone stay there so we can send off another dead demigod, Damian.' I could hear Mr.D's voice.
I tripped on a rock and rolled all the way down to the dining area.
'Speak of the devil, he is alive.' I couldn't tell if he was bored or sad that I didn't die.
I got tackled by seven people and it hurt because they were crushing me under a big doggy pile. I could hear many people walking away as I tried to get them off of me.
"Wings are crushed, can't breathe," was all I could say.
They all got of me and sat on the ground around me. Nico was the first one to speak.
"I felt you die! I thought that you sacrificed yourself to save us."
I gave him a cocky smile as I got off the ground.
"Come on! You really think the demigod of Death would die so easily?" I fell back down as he smacked me. "Nice swing! I think you can just slap the monsters to dust."
"That is true, Death boy does have a great hand." Will said before staring at me. "You do seem different somehow."
"Nearly dying can change a person."
The rest of our group nodded their heads as I felt someone touching my wing. I squeaked when I felt a feather get pulled. I turned around and saw Piper holding one of my feathers.
"It looked like it was going to fall out so I thought it would be okay."
Both Percy and Jason were trying not to laugh at the noise I made.
"How do you get that pink glitter in your feathers?" Adam asked and everyone leaned closer to look at them.
My wings were now black with little sparks of pink within the feathers. Everyone had fun looking at my wings until the sun started to set. I got up off the ground and brushed off my legs.
"Well, I need to start working on my oath." Those who were not on the quest looked at me funny. "I swore on the river Styx that if I survived this quest. I would built my cabin by myself."
I walked away as everyone was nodding their heads. There were plots already prepared for the cabins with the items I needed. The area for the cabin was all the way at the edge of the site. People were asking me if I needed help but as soon as they heard the river Styx mentioned, they backed off. It took me a long time, but I was able to build the outside by the time the harpies came out. I walked in and the cabin was fully furbished.
'You only swore on building the cabin, not furbishing it.' Eros said as he was laying on my bed.
"Thank you for your help." I told him as I sat down next to him.
'This was the best I could do as a thank you for risking your life to get my symbols back.' He sat up and kissed my neck. I must have turned dark red from blushing so hard. 'Come relax in my arms after working so hard building.'
"Fine with me."
I turned around and the two of us laid down while facing each other.


A few months later, my new godly powers fully kicked in and I had to leave my life as a mortal. But by leaving one home, I gained two homes. I was welcomed in both the underworld and Olympus.
I fully became the God of Loving Death and I had a interesting role. I was the one to reunite dead lovers and welcome those who died of heartbreak. I had the ability to talk to those about to kill themselves and show them other opinions to keep them alive. My symbol became a scythe wrapped by a single red rose.
I was sad that I was not human but Eros was there every step of the way to help me. I saw the demigods of camp half blood every once in a while because many lovers die together and some of the children of Aphrodite were still cruel when it came to breaking hearts.


The end. This is the last chapter of Love and the Child of Death.
Thank you for reading this if you did. I almost gave up on this story but I wanted to finish this first.

 I almost gave up on this story but I wanted to finish this first

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