Nightmares and Gifts *NEW*

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People are reading this? I'm shocked! Welcome back to feel some feels, if that makes any sense. But now it is time to carry on. Gods/Goddesses voices are in italic!

*Warning! The nightmare gets pretty dark because that what nightmares are. Really dark. You have been warned!*

"Why don't you just die!"
I heard the voices as I ran down a dark path. I tried to ignore them but with every word they spoke, I felt them pull out one of my feathers.
"I can't believe that I died for you, Donna, you waste of space."
I stopped running because I knew that voice. I turned to face her because I couldn't believe that she said those words. I saw her with the knife markings and bruising that she had before I saw her die.
"Why would I accept someone broken like you?" I heard my father's voice as he appeared next to her.
I fell to my knees as more feathers got pulled out. I covered my ears but the voices didn't stop.
"Who would want to be friends with her?" I heard Nico's voice right next to my ear.
"Him, not her. I am not my body." I whispered to myself.
I screamed as the final feathers got ripped out.
"You are so weak!"
I slowly got up and saw the whole camp mocking me.
"No, please don't say those things." I begged as tears started to fall.
I started pushing people as the mocking got worse and I ran. I felt two hands grab the base of my featherless wings. Before I could stop them, they pulled the wings right out of my back. The pain became unbearable and I blacked out.


I felt someone shaking me.
"Dagian! Wake up! It is not real!" Someone called out to me.
I opened my eyes and saw it was Will that was shaking me.
"He's awake!"
"You gave us a scare! I haven't seen a demigod dream that bad in years." A new voice said next to me. "I almost wasn't able to pull you out."
I reached up to touch the side of my head as I sat up. I looked over to the new person. He had spiky black hair with blue eyes almost as dark as his hair.
"The name is Adam, I'm a son of Hypnos."
"Dagian, Son of Thanatos."
I felt a powerful headache and my eyesight went blurry for a moment.
"Are you okay?" Nico asked me as the headache disappeared.
"It is just a side effect of getting pulled out of a dream, some food should clear that up." Adam told us as I slowly got up. "Well, my work is done, I should get some food for my cabin."
He left as soon as I walked into the bathroom. The first thing I did was check my new wings because I normally toss and turn during my nightmares. My eyes widen as I noticed small tears on the base of my wings, that looked like someone tried to pull it out of my back, just like my dream. I put some gauze around my wings before binding my chest. As soon as I felt ready, I walked out of the bathroom.
"Ready for breakfast?" Will asked.
"No." Nico said while putting on his jacket.
"You are eating today."
I was laughing at their cute bickering before noticing something on my bed. It was a black leather jacket with a wing design on the back.
"What is this? Does this belong to either of you?" I asked them.
"No, I have never seen that before." Will told me as I picked it up.
I dropped it in surprise after I saw my hand disappear into the back.
"I think it might be a gift from your father to hide your wings around mortals." Nico told me as he helped me put it on.
It felt weird, because I couldn't see my wings but I could still feel them. The three of us walked out of the cabin and towards the dining area.
"Well, after breakfast, I have to go to the infirmity to check on a few campers. So, just ask around to train." Will told me after I got some coffee.
"Okay," Will walked away to talk to his cabin mates, "Nico, what type of abilities do you have? We might have some similar because we are both underworld children."
" Well, there is shadow traveling, summoning the dead and spirits, sometimes moving the earth, and sensing when someone is about to die."
"I think that I would not be able to summon the dead, like zombies, but I might be able to summon spirits."
After we finished breakfast, Nico offered to show me the training arena. When we got there, Jason and Percy were already sparing.
"Hey guys! Do you want to practice with us?" Percy asked as soon as he saw us.
"I don't want to get into too much trouble with Will." Nico said before sitting back. "So I will wait until he gets here before sparring."
"I'm not that good at fighting monsters but I'll join you two."
"Catch!" Jason yelled out as he tossed a large bronze staff at me. "Your weapon is too large to train in a small space, so try this."
"This will help with blocking." I said to myself as we got ready.
Percy was the first to attack as I spun the staff to block his attack on my right side. Jason picked that moment to try to get my back while it was unguarded. I flatten myself to the ground and used Percy's sword to block. Nico was cheering as I spun to knock both of them on the ground.
"I win."
"How?" Jason asked as I helped him up.
"Growing up, moving around. My mother taught me more defense than offense. Alleyways and construction sites always have pipes handy to block with." The three of them looked at me with clear shock in their eyes. "I got into many fights when I was younger, it wasn't until recently that they weren't human."
"Remind me not to piss you off if you can turn anything into a weapon." Nico said before getting up. "I want to test out if you can fight with me. Pull out your weapon, because you never know when there is going to be a quest."
I had a slight feeling that he was right.


And that's the end of this chapter!!!! Quest time is coming soon! Currently writing on my tablet is hard when I am used to typing on my computer... Stupid thing broke due to it being too hot where I live.😠 I will try to write some more soon! Even though I am starting college classes again.📃📄
*Good Lords my devices have a habit of breaking. Now the problem is typing on my phone when I am used to typing on my tablet or laptop*

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