The Entrance to Change *Currently Editing*

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Welcome to another chapter! I am so sorry for the long wait, dear readers. In the last two months, I managed to catch bronchitis twice and my health is making it hard to write stories.
*I was not kidding, it sucked*
Hope you all like this chapter.
Anger boiled inside of me until I screamed it out. Cracks started to shoot out from my direction and a silvery smoke came out of the ground. It attacked the hellhounds and then the faded figure disappeared. After the hellhounds turned to monster dust, the silvery smoke moved towards me.
"Will don't shoot her. She is not bad." I heard Nico's voice from behind the smoke. "I think that is Dagian's mother."
The smoke focused into a shape that I have seen in most of my life. Long curly silver hair with brown eyes with a face shape similar to mine. She was wearing the same dress that she had when she died. The same dress with the pentacles that she made a version for me.
"Hey kiddo, I told you that you were special. I need to go now." She reached out with his wispy hand and touched my cheek. "But, I will be watching over you alongside your father."
She faded away into the cracks I made.
"You saved us."
Nico patted my shoulder before helping me get up. Cupid grabbed my face and landed me a big wet one on the lips. Nico had to keep me up after the kiss.
"Damn! I can see why he is a god of love! From the looks of that kiss, it almost knocked you senseless." Adam said as Cupid continued on ahead.
"A god stole a kiss from me."
I was dumbfounded as my brain was still trying to register the kiss. Nico looked at funny as we slowly started walking.
"I always knew he was a bit rude." He told me as we got closer to the glowing thing I saw earlier.
At the end of the cave, there was a giant mirror with an glowing orb in front of it. Adam and Will were staring at the base of the orb.
"I have never seen writing like this before." Will said as I leaned over to see.
I knew the language almost as much as knew Greek and English. It was in all of the books that my mother kept under lock and key.
"Latin." They all gave me strange looks.
"You understand Latin?" Adam asked.
"Yeah, my mother taught me the basics of Latin to make it easier to understand English. Because it is a Latin based language." I lightly moved my finger across. "Reveal the happiness and pain of a first love times three to enter the path to one's true form."
"What does that mean?" Nico wondered out loud.
"Nico, you should be the one to see the answer. I helped you before with an similar problem."
Nico's eyes widen before he reached out to touch the orb. I watched as flashes of memory appeared in the orb. It took me a while to realize that it was centered around Percy. I could see lips moving but no sound came out. As the flashes ended, he pulled away as if he was burned. I reached out to touch it and the flashes hit me hard. Short red hair with an Irish accent, an loving face with green eyes. I felt tears fall down my face as I saw how I met Patrick, my first love.


"I don't care that your mother is a witch! I love you for you." He said as he wiped away a tear from my face.
"But Pat! The other kids here are spreading rumours saying that she cursed you into loving the freak!"
His green eyes always had deep look with them to look like he was older than fifteen. He didn't care that I was a hyper loner or that I was born in a female body.


"Get away from him!" His voice called out and the bullies ran away. "Love, how are you feeling?"
He helped me up and fixed my injuries.
"I can't wait until summer."
"I got you something to give you hope."
I felt something slip on my finger. I looked down and saw a silver ring with two emeralds on it. I saw that he had a gold ring with a sapphire and a emerald on it.
"At the beginning of summer, we can run away. I am pretty sure your mother knows how to hide us."


"Do you think this dress makes me look fat?" He asked after pulling out an dress from the back of my closet.
"Are you making fun of me?"
"No, if monks can wear dress-like robes. Then I can wear a dress."


"No! Stop!" I screamed out as two bullies were holding me down as two were holding Pat still.
We were on the school roof of the last day of school. The two bullies were pulling Pat towards the edge of the roof.
"Most of the school will think that either you killed him or that he killed himself."
One of my worst bullies, Ashley, hated the fact that Pat loved me. She was at the head of every rumour against me.
"Dagian, always remember that I will always love you in this life and the next." He said as I watched him fall down.


I fell to the ground and I had difficulty breathing. Will ran over to me as Adam reached out to touch the orb. I saw that Nico looked stone shocked as Will took care of Nico first. I was slowly twisting my ring watching Cupid's hair slowly change into red. Will's face blocked my view as he shined a light in my eyes.
"Still in memory shock. Only one cure to help." He said before sticking a straw in my mouth.
The taste of ice cream cake made me focus more on the present day than on the past.
"The mirror is changing." Cupid said as I calmed down.
I got up and walked over to the mirror. It was warping in a way that I noticed that my image was changing. Gone was the tear streaks, the scars on my face, and the female curves that I could never get rid of. I saw that everyone looked different in the mirror. I reached out and my hand started to go into the mirror.
"What the Hades?" Nico said.
"Our memories made the path to the next part of the quest." Adam said as I started to walk into the mirror.
My jacket changed into an long hooded cloak and the armor felt different. I stuck my hand under the armor and I felt no wrappings underneath, but it was flat. I quickly fixed my cloak as Adam came through the mirror. He was wearing a short white robe with an small bag tied to an sash. He smiled at me before looking around.
"Where are we?"
I was so busy with my new look that I didn't pay attention to the new surroundings. I could hear running water nearby and the mirror was on the side of a hill.
"I don't think that we are in the underworld anymore."
A butterfly landed on my nose and I couldn't stop the laughter. Adam joined in as the butterfly flew off. The mirror rippled again as Will and Nico walked out. Will looked like a copy of Apollo with a golden glow surrounding him. Nico was wearing black Greek armor with  a smoking cape. A literal smoking cape because it was made of smoke. His skin looked less pale than usual, and more like the memory him.
"How did we change clothes?" Will asked while Nico was playing with his new clothes.
"I liked that jacket, why does something divine always happen to my clothes?'
"You must be very unlucky then."
"No one look at me! Something is causing my true god form to come out!" Cupid yelled out behind us.
I quickly took off my cloak and quickly turned to cover him. I closed my eyes before I had a chance to see him.
"Pull the hood up to cover your face. It should keep us from dying."
"Thank you but I don't think it will fully work. My form is made of pure light. It has no shape."
I opened my eyes as Cupid finished pulling the hood up. My wings stretched out for a few moments before hugging my back again.
"Strange, this cloak must be as special your jacket."
"At least it works so we don't get turned into dust." Adam said before walking towards the forest.
We nodded our heads before following him.
'I wonder what will happen to us next.' I thought as I walked past a small smoke on the ground.
Finally! I was able to get a chapter out before the new year! I will do my best to post a chapter at lease once a month next year.
*ha ha ha ha ha*

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