Fire and Ice, Love and Hate *Currently Editing*

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I am back in writing-ish, as long as my health doesn't fail me any more. But enough about me, and onwards to the story!
Pain is filling my entire being. Cold and hot shocks of pain.
"Child, open your eyes." I heard a female voice and followed her directions.
I was in a light red tea room with hints of pink and green.
"Where am I?" I asked as I sat up.
"Come sit with me and I will tell you."
I turned around and saw a woman, that look like an adult female version of myself, sitting down drinking tea. I started to get up until another shock went through my body.
"Oh dear, I forgot." She snapped her fingers and I was suddenly in the chair across from her. "You are currently dealing with the power of both arrows flowing into your body. But I took part of your conscious to talk to you."
"You are a goddess!"
"Your mother taught you well. I brought you here because I want to know why you blocked my arrows."
I tried to sit up but she waved her hand and I fell back into the chair. I started to struggle but I couldn't move.
"Why are you doing this?"
"To teach Cupid a lesson. When Gaea was awake, she told me things that I believed were lies. But I see that there was truth within her words." She took a small drink from a tea cup. "You barely met them and yet you sacrificed yourself to save them."
Another shock shook my body and I started laughing.
"It is because I barely met them that I saved them. If I die, I will fade from their memory without any true pain."
"Interesting. I would have enjoyed to see into your soul some more, but my time with you is over."
I felt an powerful shock hit me and the tea room turned into darkness.
"Brin! Breathe!" I heard Will's voice laced with magic.
I felt heavy as I opened my eyes, and I noticed that Cupid's face was extremely close to mine. My face heated up for some strange reason. He moved away as I sat up.
"Interesting. You have two eye colours." Cupid said then everyone looked at him funny.
"He almost died and all you noticed was his eye color." Nico stated as Adam helped me stand up.
"Only people with a balance of love and hate have both green and blue eyes. I have only met one person in my lifetime like that."
"Your eyes switched, before your right eye was the green one, and now your right eye is blue." Will pointed out.
"Really?" Nico repeated.
A lone howl echoed down the cave walls and Adam swore.
"They are still after us. We need to get away from here and fast."
The howl got closer and louder as more added in. It was hard because I was still weak from the arrows. There was something shining in the distance and I was about to point it out to them. Another shock went through my system and it forced me to freeze in my walking. But then, a large shape slammed into me and Adam. I rolled away from the group as a large group of hellhounds ran past me and towards them.
"No!" I tried to get up but I was too weak.
I watched as teeth dug into Nico's arm and claws slashed across Cupid's chest. A faded figure appeared near the fight laughing.
"Soon he will get what he deserves and it doesn't hurt that it takes out a few demigods." She said as the fight got worse.
The first lesson in the quest comes up for the underworld children.
Well, readers I will see you all again in the next chapter! Please vote, comment, and follow

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