Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Home Sweet Home (part 2)

Right as Castle opened the door to let us in, I practically fell into the loft because of all the luggage I was carrying. Castle gasped "Beckett! You can't do heavy lifting! Because of the-" Right as he was about to spill out the news Alexis and Martha came trotting down the stairs. "Because of what?" Alexis asked.

Castle straightened his tie and said, "Because of the..." He looked over to me like I knew what to say, which I didn't. Then he spouted out "Because Beckett pulled a back muscle helping me get a glass at the top of the cabinet." He smirked as if he'd said something ingenious.

"Okay, well Gram and I were just going shopping for new clothes for her next performance." Alexis informed us. "Yes." Martha said, "My next performance is called 'Hark! The church bells ring'. It is a spin on the classic Christmas song!" Castle and I exchanged looks.

"Well, good luck!" I said. Alexis and Martha headed to the door. "Ta-ta!" Martha shouted and shut the door behind her.

Castle walked over to me and grabbed my hand. He pulled me to the couch and we sat down. He ran his fingers up my arm and pulled my dress strap down. "So, Mrs. Beckett-Castle. How are you feeling?" He asked me as he kissed my neck, making his way up to my lips. "Well, I'm feeling fine." I replied, in between kisses. Then it hit me. I had to go to work.

I shot up so fast I think I startled Castle. "What was that for?!" He exclaimed. I ran up the stairs to the bedroom yelling as I went up, "Sorry! I have to go back to work!" I heard him grunt. I opened drawers and closet doors searching for a suitable outfit for work. Castle came up the stairs and into the room. He slumped down on the bed.

"Poor Castle. Don't worry I'll be back soon. I just have to do some paperwork but if they find a body I'll call you." I said as I changed into some trousers and a blue blouse. "Okay. Just don't miss me too much." He said. I smiled and gave him a kiss goodbye.

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