Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Spilling the Beans

I walked into the precinct very nervous. Being a detective, I have to look professional. But I wanted to hide my belly and at the same time look professional. The thing was, when your pregnant and don't want people to know just yet and still have to look professional, it's not gonna work.

I tried to leave the house with a baggy, New York Yankees sweatshirt but Castle wouldn't let me. He asked why I was trying to hide my belly and I glared at him, which meant we were going to tell everyone ourselves, and my stomach was going to do to talking.

He handed me one of his dress shirts and I tucked it into my work pants. I put a blazer over it and looked in the mirror at a sideways position. You couldn't really see my belly showing that much so left the bathroom, went to the living room to get Castle, and headed to work.


Ryan and Esposito examined me and exchanged looks. Finally Ryan spoke up. "Is there something different about you?" He asked. I looked up from my paperwork and said, "Why would you assume that?" I hoped he wouldn't catch my shaky voice.

"Well, for one, your hand is shaking," he said as he pointed to my hand, which looked like it was on a vibrating machine. "And you haven't talked since you've been here." Esposito looked toward Castle. He pointed at Castle's shirt, that I was wearing.

"And isn't that you're shirt? I've seen you wear it a couple times." Espo said. Castle and I exchanged nervous looks I set my pen down. "Ok, guys. Me and Castle have something to tell you but we wanna tell Gates too, so lets go to her office." I ordered. We all got up and headed to Gates's office.

I knocked on the door and she opened in. She looked surprised that all of us were at the door but she invited us in. Gates sat behind her desk and Ryan and Espo stood beside her. Castle and sat in front if her and clutched his hand, squeezing it so hard I was probably cutting off the circulation. I breathed out and spoke with a stutter.

"What we n-needed to tell was... that I'm pregnant. We're having a baby." The office silent and their faces were shocked. I swallowed hard and Ryan broke out a smile. "I'm happy for you. Congratulations!" He said. I looked at Castle and he grinned and squeezed my hand gently. I smiled and Espo said "Congrats guys!" Gates asked how far along I was. "Two and half months." I replied.

She nodded and excused us. I felt like I had a weight lifted off my shoulders. That weight, however, was going into my stomach and making me gain a lot more weight than I would like.

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