Two | March of Crimes

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Every second felt like a minute and every minute felt like an hour. Julia sat there in her desk, tapping her nails against the hard wood, impatiently waiting for the bell to ring.

Pure anger burned through her body. Her father was at the front of the class, teaching, and making stupid jokes to impress the class- and when was he going to mention this? In the corners of her eyes she noticed Ethan Kahn, among the others in his group, looking at Julia and laughing whenever her dad did something embarrassing. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment.

However slowly, the time did eventually pass by until the bell rang out. Julia fired up from her seat, ready to storm out of the classroom, when her father spoke up.
"Before you all leave," Ezra spoke. "I've set a project for you all to do until next week. You can choose what book to do your assignment on, but make sure you collect the assignment sheet on your way out. Now, once I've put you in pairs, you can leave."

Ezra walked up and down the aisles between the columns of desks, pairing the students together. Adam was paired with Lucy, Victoria placed with a girl who kept to herself, Alyssa Stone, Leo was not placed with Ethan but with the boy he hit with his bag whose name he learned was Dean, Ethan placed with another football jock Kyle, and Julia was paired with a petite, shy girl called Hayley.

The classroom roared to life as the students stood up from their chairs, picking their bags up and walking out of the classroom door.

Instead of responding to Ezra when he called for her, Julia walked straight past him as if he wasn't there.

As the last class of the day finished, Adam Dilaurentis left his AP Physics class and made his way down the corridor to the changing rooms. As he approached the door to the changing rooms, he heard his phone ring, and took his phone from his pocket to see a new message flashing on his screen. He opened the message and read the text.

"Hey man, can you meet me by the vending machines? -Connor"

Adam rolled his eyes. It would make him late for practice, but he knew what Connor wanted. Drugs. And he knew that Connor was rich. He was a druggie, but he was rich. Super rich. Rolling his eyes, Adam turned on his heels and walked towards the cafeteria.

The vending machines in the cafeteria were never busy. People often brought their own food and drinks to school since the machines were ridiculously overpriced. The cafeteria itself was deserted. Most students and teachers had gone home, and the ones who were still at school were most likely at practice.

Adam heard Connor before he saw him.
"Yo dude, you got the stuff?" Connor asked. Adam hadn't even finished walking yet. Once he stopped at the vending machines, he swung his backpack onto the floor and unzipped it. Inside were many plastic bags filled with all different types of illegal drugs. Adam rummaged through the bag and picked up a bag full of blue tablets.
"The usual?" Adam asked, not expecting an answer. "Five hundred."
"Five hundred?" Connor asked. "You raising your prices or something?"
"Gotta pay the bills, right?" Adam smirked. Connor handed over the cash and snatched the bag out of Adam's hands.
"Whatever." He said as he walked off. "Later."

As soon as Connor disappeared from sight, Adam's phone rang again. He took out the phone and unlocked it, reading the new message he had just received.

I wonder what the cops would have to say about your little enterprise. -A

Adam rolled his eyes and put his phone back in his pocket. A stupid prank. The only people who knew about his business were his customers, and they wouldn't take this to the cops, because then they'd risk getting cut off from his supply.

Adam bought a ridiculously overpriced candy bar from one of the vending machines. After all, he could afford it.

Julia Fitz had had the worst first day of Junior Year one could possibly have. First, she finds out dad is her teacher, then she forgets her lunch, she left her homework at home (which, for the record, is completely unlike her), and to top it all off, she gets an anonymous text from Alice. Well, that's who she thought it was. Who else with the initial of A knew that her dad was her mom's teacher? Well, there's Adam, but he didn't have his phone out in class.

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