Eighteen | Surfing the Aftershocks

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The freezing night air of Ravenswood nipped at the group's ankles as they marched frantically down the sidewalk. In Julia's hand was her phone, on which there was a map, sent by -A.

-A was playing with them. Luring them to a trap. On the map was a red circle, which apparently marked the spot where Adam was being held, and the Liars were getting ever closer- Julia guessed they were less than a minute away now, after walking for fifteen.

Julia led the way as they turned the corner. She looked down at the map and became confused, as the map stated they should be at the location by now.

"It... says we should be here." Julia announced, inviting Leo and Tori to glance over each of her shoulders. All at once they raised their heads to see what was right in front of them- an abandoned ice cream factory. The factory was huge and loomed over them, some of the windows were shattered and the brickwork was beginning to become exposed. The factory was at least five stories high, and there were no sources of light inside the building.

"Of course." Leo sighed.


The first thing Adam Dilaurentis felt when he awakened was the feeling of cool metal against his cheek. When he would remember this moment in years to come, he would remember how freezing cold he was.

Adam slowly opened his eyes, his body taking a while to wake up and move. The boy sat up as quick as his body would allow him, and he saw he was in a small room, with reflective metal making up each wall, with the only exit being a tiny glass door at the other end of the room. It was also dark, the only light came from the other end of the door, which shone a dim light into the room.

Adam looked down, and saw he had been stripped down to a plain white t-shirt and shorts, hardly offering anything in terms of warmth. The last thing Adam remembered was a blunt object smashing into him from behind, knocking him out.

He began to panic- he had no idea where he was. Getting to his feet, Adam made for the door and tried to push it open, but the door didn't budge a bit.

Suddenly, bright fluorescent lights lit up the room, and the first thing Adam felt was the freezing cold air shooting from the various nozzles around the room and hitting his bare skin. Adam gasped, he had never felt anything this cold before, and he felt sick when he realised he was in a huge freezer- if he didn't escape soon, he would freeze to death.

Adam barged into the door, but the exit still wouldn't give way. The boy was now short of breath- his body wouldn't allow him to take any big breaths. Adam slammed his palm repeatedly against the glass door, hoping someone, anyone, would hear him.

"Help!" He screamed. "Is anybody there? Somebody, please help!" Adam pounded and pounded on the door, desperately trying to escape the cold freezer. Soon enough, the cold caused his body to shut down, and the boy sank to his knees, his grip on the door loosening. The cold air had now made the room's temperature sink into the negative twenties, causing frost to form on the glass door.

Just as Adam was about to lose consciousness again, Adam saw shadows rush up to the glass door, frantically trying to open the door. A wave of relief swam over the boy- he was being saved. The door swung open and Adam felt three pairs of hands grab him and drag him out of the room and into the much warmer temperature of the outside area. Adam could hear the voices of his friends as he sank into unconsciousness.

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