Five | Reality Bites Me

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For a second, Victoria thought she was still at home. That she would open her eyes and she'd be back in her barn, staring at the ceiling of her bedroom from her comfy queen-sized bed.

But she wasn't. The cold metal against her bed reminded her of the fact, and she sat up, arranging her pillow so she could lean on the wall beside her bed. She looked to her left, and saw Julia, sat cross legged on her bed across the room.

"Morning." Victoria said, with a hint of sarcasm. Julia didn't reply, instead wiping the tears from her eyes. Julia brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, reminding Tori of how she sat that night in the barn.
"What happens now?" Julia blurted out. "I mean, what the hell happens?"
"Simple." Victoria sighed. "They decide whether to convict us or not and if they don't, they can only hold us here for 48 hours."
"We need to tell them about -A." Julia decided. "I mean we have to, right?"
"No!" Victoria said in an angry whisper . "Are you kidding? This person knows things about our lives that not even we know about each other. I mean, are you ready to tell them everything? Our secrets? What happened before Alice died? About whatever we found in my back yard?" That shut Julia up.

Spencer Hastings hurried up the stone steps to the Rosewood Police Department. She pushed open the huge wooden doors, and once inside, made a beeline to where she knew Toby would be.

Once a cadet, Toby had risen through the ranks and was now a Detective. Spencer didn't bother to knock on his office door, and instead flew inside with disregard.
"Spencer." Toby said, standing up from the chair and hugging her.
"Is there any news?" She asked as she released Toby from the hug.
"No, but as far as I know, it's looking good. For them. Whatever Tori and her friends found in our back yard, there's little evidence that they actually buried it there in the first place. It has their fingerprints on it, but only from last night."
"That's great." Spencer sighed. "What about the blood?"
"They're still running tests on it in the lab." Toby confirmed, clutching his belt with both hands.
Spencer frowned. "Do you really think it could be-"
"I don't wanna think about it." Toby interrupted. "But we know what it is they found know. A baseball bat."
"A baseball bat?" Spencer repeated.
"Part of one." Toby corrected himself. "Broken off at the top. If someone hit someone else with this, they must have done it hard enough to splinter a portion of the bat off."
"Oh my god." Spencer whispered as Lorenzo entered.
"Hello." Lorenzo announced with a fake smile. He carried on talking before Spencer could. "Spencer, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Your fiancée and I need to talk. Privately."
"Sure." Spencer frowned. She walked out of the office and heard the door close behind her.

12 Hours Later

Night had fallen on Rosewood. Even though there was hardly any natural light in her cell, Victoria could tell night had fallen. She stood on her bed to look out of the tiny window, her hands wrapping around the cold steel bars to hold herself up. Outside, she saw a few cops lingering around, some stood in groups, others stood by themselves. The night sky was a dark shade of blue as the sun had only recently gone down, and in the distance people were sat dining in various restaurants.

"See anything interesting?" Julia asked, now lying on her bed, facing the wall.
"Nope." Victoria sighed. "Look, we need to figure out who this -A is. Before they can strike again. I mean it could be anyone, right? And they'd have to have a motive. Who do you think it would be?"

Julia slowly sat up in her bed and turned to face Victoria. She rested her elbows on her lap, and held her head up with both of her hands. She exhaled deeply.
"There's something I haven't told you guys." She admitted.
"What?" This perked Tori's interest. "Why?"
"Well I haven't exactly had time, Tor. I mean, it happened just before we found whatever it was in your yard and this mess happened."
Tori closed her eyes and exhaled sharply, before opening them and regaining her composure. "What is it?" She asked.
"Well, as I was driving to your house, that guy from our English class drove past in the opposite direction. I'm pretty sure he was speeding. Leo's project partner. What was his name?"
"Dean? You think he's the one who spray painted my yard?" Tori pondered. "You think he's -A?"
"Could be." Julia shrugged. Tori looked deep in thought and she seemed to temporarily zone out.
"It would make sense." She announced, seeming to realise something. "I mean, he's in our class so he knows your dad's your teacher. He lives across the street from me so he could have easily spied through my window and seen me copy an essay."
"You what?" Julia asked.
"Long story. And whatever secrets -A has over Leo and Adam, he could stalk them easily. He goes to the same school as us and lives in the same neighbourhood. And if he was driving away from my house-"
"Then who knows where he was going." Julia interrupted. Using a bobble from her wrist which surprisingly she'd been allowed to keep, Julia tied her hair up in a high ponytail, a few strands escaping and falling down her face.

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