Twenty | The Naked Truth

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"I just don't understand." Detective Redwood threw his hands in the air over-dramatically to fake his surprise. "I don't understand how it's always you four." The Detective discussed the whole group, but Tori was the only one being questioned at the opposite end of the table- her three friends were absent, being questioned separately. "I mean, we caught you with the presumed murder weapon of Alice Valentine, we were called to the scene when you trashed her memorial, and now we find you on stage just as a dead body drops from the ceiling." Redwood leaned back in his chair. "You've got to admit, none of it looks good on your behalf."

Tori leaned forward. "For the last time, none of that was us." She hissed, annoyed at Redwood's complete inability to listen to her, and sick of being in police stations in the early hours of the morning. "And you don't seem that bothered about your close colleague turning up dead." She challenged.

Redwood leaned forward too, positioning himself close to Tori. "How dare you accuse an officer of the law?" He spat.

"I'm not accusing, just observing."

"Sounded like an accusation to me."

At that moment, the door to the interrogation room flew open as Victoria's mother, Spencer Cavanaugh, strode into the room. Spencer wore a long, tan coat that flowed behind her as she stormed into the room, and had her hair tied up in a neat bun.

"Get up, we're going." Spencer stated simply as she stopped by the table. Tori wasted no time in following her mother's orders, pushing herself backwards in her chair and standing.

"Senator Cavanaugh." Redwood stood up, grimacing. "This is a routine interrogation-"

"An interrogation that is completely unnecessary." Spencer interrupted. "My daughter and her friends are the victims in this incident, not the culprits. You have no proof that they were involved."

"We know that they were on the same train that Webb was on the night he was murdered." Redwood took a step forward.

"Along with a couple hundred others." Spencer also took a step. "It seems to me, Detective, that you have a habit of pinning crimes on my daughter and her friends. And it stops now." Spencer commanded. Tori hid behind her mother. "Besides, do you really think that if they did murder a man, they'd draw attention to themselves like this? Now, unless you have some real evidence that connects my daughter to this case, we'll be on our way." Spencer said before gliding out of the room, beckoning for Tori to follow. Detective Redwood ran his hands through his dark blonde hair and opened his mouth as if he were about to say something, before closing his jaw again and storming out of the room, overtaking Spencer and Tori.


"And don't go anywhere, we'll be right back after this short ad break!" The sound from the TV blared into Leo's living room as he watched, lay down on the sofa. Leo smirked. He wasn't going anywhere, since none of his friends felt up to going out after the Webb incident and he was home alone all weekend- Jacob was on a hockey trip with school and Caleb had joined Hanna on her conference in New York (Leo had assured them he'd be fine for the weekend).

Leo glanced into the corner of the room and saw his dog, a golden retriever called Mr Biscuit, curled up on the dog bed. "I know how you feel." Leo said, feeling equally as bored as his dog. Leo checked the time- 11pm. He was in his pyjamas (well, Leo didn't wear pyjamas, so he wore solely a pair of soft shorts on his legs), and was considering taking the dog for a walk out of sheer boredom when the doorbell rang.

Leo's stomach churned. What if -A was at his door, waiting to attack? The boy shook the thought from his mind- it was silly to think that -A would attack him in a populated neighborhood, never mind ringing the doorbell first. Leo hopped to his feet and passed through the hall to the front door, opening the door to reveal Dean stood on Leo's doorstep, wearing only a t-shirt and shorts in the cool night air.

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