Three | Over My Dead Body

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Leo Rivers had a busy social life. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat- they all buzzed often with notifications. Leo sat on his bed, legs up, texting, messaging, snapping.

His mind flicked to Dean. The boy who sat next to him, whom he was paired with for the project. Yet somehow he had never noticed him before. Leo logged onto Facebook and did a quick search for Dean. Since he didn't know Dean's last name, it took a while, but Leo eventually found him.

Leo hesitated. Should he message him? He barely knows the guy. I mean, he'd only said two words to him- 'sorry' and 'thanks', but then again that was pretty much the extent of Leo's vocabulary. Leo pushed himself to message him. If they were going to get this project done, they'd have to talk to each other at some point. Leo hit the 'message' button and started typing.

Hey Dean it's Leo, are you free to meet after school tomorrow? For the project?

Leo put his phone down as he heard a knock on his door. "Come in." He said.
Leo's dad entered. Looking at Caleb and Leo Rivers in the same room, you could see that Leo had taken his looks from his mom. Leo's blonde hair couldn't have been more different from his dad's, but Leo had definitely inherited his chocolate brown eyes from Caleb Rivers. The kind that draw you in. The kind that see right through you.

Caleb walked across the room to Leo's bed and sat by Leo's feet at the end of the bed.
"Listen." Caleb said uneasily. "Your mom's under a lot of stress at work recently. She's got this big conference on Thursday in Philly."
"Okay.." Leo responded, indicating for Caleb to continue.
"So I'm going with her, but it's going to take five days. Are you gonna be okay here by yourself?" He asked. Leo paused.
"Yeah." Leo replied. "I mean, I've done it before, right? As long as I've got enough food I'm sure I'll survive." Leo smirked.
"Well, don't hold your breath." Caleb warned. "I'm leaving you here with your brother." Leo's smirk turned to a scowl.
"You're kidding." Leo said plainly. "I'm stuck here with Jacob for five whole days? Do you know how much he pisses me off?"
"Hey." Caleb said. "Watch your language. Your brother's only two years younger than you, you'll be fine."
"I'll let you know if Leo has any parties!" Jacob yelled as he walked past the door.
"Shut up!" Leo shouted as Caleb exited and closed the door behind him.

As soon as Caleb left the room, Leo's phone buzzed. He checked his phone to see a new message from Dean. Leo smiled as he opened the message.

Hey Leo. Tomorrow sounds good. My house at 4? I'll tell you the address tomorrow.

Leo couldn't help his smile from growing bigger. He texted back.

Sure. See you tomorrow :)

Leo lay back against his pillow and didn't stop smiling.

The next day passed by in a blur for Leo. He had four lessons that day, none of which he paid any attention to. Not that he could even if he wanted to. In almost all of his lessons, Leo's friends would wrestle or yell or playfight or do something involving Leo that would distract him from his studies.

But soon enough the end of school bell rang out, and Leo raced down the corridor to be the first one out of school. He must have broken at least five traffic laws speeding home in his car to leave him time to get ready.

As soon as Leo was home, he showered, then threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a baggy hoodie- nothing to impressionable. Once dressed, Leo had textured his hair with some hair wax, and sprayed some aftershave on his neck and arms. He couldn't tell if he was making too much of an effort or not. Leo checked his watch- ten to four. With his parents working and Jacob studying at the library, Leo jumped in his car and began to drive.

Dean's house wasn't huge like Leo's. But it definitely wasn't small either. Leo parked his car a couple hundred metres down the road from Dean's house, and began to walk down the road with his bag on his back.

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