You stuck your hand into the basket and felt around. Nothing caught your attention, but that was when a soft fabric rubbed against your hand. You pulled it out and held back a smirk.
"A cleaning flannel." Jean raised an eyebrow and smiled.
"Tch, come on, Brat." Levi stood up from his seat and walked over to the office. You sheepishly followed him and left the flannel on the table.
You closed the door behind you and immediately walked over to the bookshelf to your right, scanning the titles engraved into the spine of the books.
You couldn't help but glance over at the Captain in the desk chair and blush. He was leaning back with his eyes closed as the sun shone down on his face. The way that everything was positioned made him look like he was an Angel... and to you he was.
You absolutely adored Levi. You got driven crazy for him by every little thing he did, from forcing you to thoroughly clean for three hours, to saving the whole Battalion.
Your eyes drifted over to a vase on the desk. The white lillies were the brightest things in the room. You walked over to the desk and picked up one of the flowers, smelling it with your eyes closed. Levi opened his eyes and leaned on the desk.
"Beautiful..." He whispered.
You nodded and smiled. "They are, aren't they?" You replied.
"Tch. Are you stupid?" He asked, standing up from the chair.
"N-No. Why?" You asked, putting the lily down a little. Levi walked around the desk and stood in front of you.
He gently held your chin and tilted your head up, the same, stoic expression planted on his face. "I was talking about you, Brat."
You blushed and blinked in surprise. "Wh-What?" You managed out.
"You heard me." He said as he bent down to kiss you. As your lips connected, you dropped the flower. Levi's other hand fell to the small of your back to hold you closer.
You hesitantly kissed back and pressed your hands against his chest. He broke the kiss and bent down to your ear.
"You're mine only. If anyone touches you in any way that I find ill-intentioned, I'll punish you both, okay?" He said quietly with a serious tone.
As he hugged you, your legs began to tremble slightly. You were the arms of the Captain, Corporal Levi. Levi had stolen your heart way before this, but with his words and actions he had just made you fall even further for him.
"I understand." You whispered as you nodded and hugged him back.
"Cadet (Y/N), you're going to be promoted to Lance Corporal tomorrow because of your outstanding performance in battle today." Levi stood back up straight and combed a hand through his hair.
"A-Am I?" You were shocked.
Levi walked back to the desk chair and sat down as if he was in his own office. "You killed five titans on your own. That's good, (Y/N). You're top of your class, aren't you?"
"Y-Yes, Corporal Levi." You stuttered out.
Levi sighed. "Just call me Levi." He ordered. You nodded and he carried on. "You will be moving to my squad."
"I will?" You asked with a smile on your face. Levi's lips slightly curled upwards, showing the faintest smile possible.
"Cadet (Y/N), promise me you won't smile like that for anyone else." Levi leaned forward on the desk and picked up a lily. He gestured for you to come closer.
You took a step closer and he grabbed your hand, gently pulling you down to his eye level. He broke the stem off the flower and tucked it into your hair.
"I promise I won't." You nodded.
Hange slammed the door open, singing the German National anthem with a slur. You both moved back into your previous potions with you standing in front of the desk and Levi leaning back with a smile still tempting his lips.
"Come ooooon guuuyyyys~! I know soooooomethiiing was happening heeeeeere~!" Hange stumbled and caught herself on the bookshelf, looking at you both. Levi stood up and walked past you.
"Come on, Cadet." He said monotonously. You nodded and walked behind him.
As you reached the table, you walked over to your seat. You were about to sit down, when a strong arm grabbed your wrist and pulled you over to the other side of the table. You looked up and saw Levi.
He sat down in his seat and pulled the one next to him as close as possible.
"Sit." He ordered. You nodded and obediently sat down. His arm went around your waist and held you even closer.
Everyone just stared in awe at the scene. Hange sat down on the floor under the table and laughed. "I kneeeew iiiiiiiiiiii-"
"Shut up." Levi kicked her leg.

Attack On Titan: Seven Minutes In Heaven
FanfictionAfter successfully returning from a mission outside of the walls, Hange decided to invite random people to a party. Sure, she had to trick a few people into coming, but everyone seems to want to play 'Seven Minutes In Heaven' after having a few dri...