Chapter 5

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"I talk alot of shit when im drinking baby!" I sung loudly, rinsing the conditioner from my hair. "I'm known to go a little too fast!" 

A loud knock on the bathroom door shut me up. "Yes?" I yelled. 

"You're going to be late to your exam." My mother called from the other side. 

"Crap." I cursed quietly. "Be right out!" 

"Wonderful singing dear!" My mom laughed. I roled my eyes. 

I finshed washing my hair and turned the water faucet off. Stepping out of the tub, i wrapped my black towel tightly around my body and opened the bathroom door. 

Once i chose what to wear, i pulled on my underclothes and my 'first day of school' outfit, which were black skinneys, of course, and a simple black tank top, topped off with a light jeans jacket. 

I applied some eyeliner and ran my hand through my brown hair. Not bothering with any more makeup, i grabbed my empty school bag, since i haven't gotten any books yet, and my vetors book. 

I exited my room and skipped down the stairs. 

"It's about time, darling." My mother said as i sat down at the table. 

"Food." I said, pouting. 

"No time for that today, i'm going to be late." My mom kissed me on the forehead and grabbed the keys off the kitchen table. I got up quickly. 

"You're taking the car?" 

"Yes, i'm going to have a pretty late shift and i can't make you drive there. Oh and lissa would go off before me." 

"How am i supposed to go to school." I lifted my eyebrows. I could walk but it would take twenty minutes and i only had ten minutes to get there. 

"Oh i have that all convered." My mother smiled cheerfully. I waited for further explanation. She sighed and put on her coat. 

"I had Lissa tell Shane to pick you up!" She squeeled. 


"What?" i repeated outloud.

"I know!" She grinned and grabbed the door knob. "Have a great day." With that, she left. 

I sat in the kitchen, with my mouth open. 

This is outraging. I was mad. No cancel that. I was fuming, raging, and about to explode. No way that jerk was about to pick me up for my first day of school. 

I groaned and put on my socks and shoes, waiting till the douche arrived. 



I let out a loud groan and got up. I locked the door behind me after getting out of the house. 

I was now going to walk to school. 


I groaned and wiped the sweat off my forehead. 

I caught site of the school building and sighed in relief. I was scared i took a wrong turn.  

I breahed heavily, reaching the school gates and resting my body on the metal gate. 

I rushed in, realizing i was late for my vectors exam. 

 Running through the entrance, i made my way over to the information desk. 

"You're late." The woman behind the counter stated with a bored expression. 

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