Chapter 10

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Shane parked the car and turned off the ignition. 

"You coming?" He nodded. I slid out of the car and texted my mom. "Thanks.. for the ride." i add. 

He threw me a half smile and for a second i felt my heart squeeze. I watched as he went over to the backseat and took out a small bag. 

The look on my face probably suggested i was questioning the bag, "It's for my mom, she has a late shift." My lips parted in surprise but i quickly shut them tight.

He's so sweet.

I watched him take off his blue hoodie, leaving him in a tight black top. His arms flexed as he shut the car door. 

I shook every thought of him from my head as his gaze shifted onto me. 


"What?" I echoed. 

"Why are you still here?" I frowned. 

"Oh i thought that.. uh.. nevermind.. Thank again for the ride." I said letting out a nervous laugh. "Bye." I said quickly. I power walked towards the hospital doors. 

I entered the building and walked towrads the main desk. 

The woman from last time looked up and smile. "Well hello Keira!" She said cheerfully. "You're mother?" She asked before i could. I nodded with a small smile. "Hold on." She tapped away at the keyboard in front of her. "She'll have a five minute break before her next patient in ten minutes."

I nodded and thanked her, taking a seat in the waiting room. 

I plugged in my earphones and browsed through my music. I picked the song 'No parallels' and tapped my foot along to the beat.  

"They making you wait?" Shane plopped down on the seat next to mine and i looked up at him, plugging out my right earphone. 

"She's with a patient." I said, referring to my mother. 

"Mine too." He said, sighing. 

"Why don't you just leave it with me? I'll tell my mom to give it to her." I offered. 

"Nah, i can wait a few minutes." I nodded. "What are you... listening to?" He said, motioning with his head to my phone. 

"Hands like houses." I said, grinning. He nodded, almost in aproval. 

He leaned back and stretched his arms out. He placed the bag on the table in front of him and turned to look at me. 

"What?" I said, after a few seconds. 

"Last time we were here, we were yelling at each other." He said quietly. I chuckled. 

"Yup. Only because you were acting like a total jerk." I said, not being able to hold my tongue. 

He didn't say anything and i was surprised. 

"So camping this weekend... fun.." I said, changing the subject. 


My phone rang and i jumped in surprise. 




"Where the hell are you? Did you forget that you have a shift?" 

"No, no.. i need to get my car so i might be afew minutes late."

"Oh.. that's fine.." She let out a small laugh. I heard a small crash and Casey sighed loudly. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She yelled. I could hear Jeremy's incoherent mumbling. "Keira please get here." She said quietly. 

"Yes, yes. I'll be there in twenty minutes."

"Good." She said, "Oh we still on for tonight yeah?" 

"Tonight..?" I asked. what the hell was tonight?

"Movies....?" She said. oh shit. 


"No, not oh. You're coming okay?" 


"No buts." 

"But casey i don't want to." I whined. 

"Please?" I could imagine her giving me puppy dog eyes. "You can bring anyone you want." 

"I have noone to bring." I said with fake sadness. I sighed dramatically. "Fine i'll come.. now bye." She cheered loudly. 

"yay okay bye, get here." 

"Mhm." I shut the phone without a proper goodbye and sighed. 

I looked at the clock on the wall and i sighed. It's been fifteen minutes. 

I looked at Shane. His head was down; he was looking through his phone. 

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it, not finding anything to say. 

I sighed and leaned back into the chair. 

Finally, after another five minutes, my mom shows up. 

I get up, throwing her a scowl. 

"Why are you here?" She asked, a worried expression on her face. 

"i need the car." Her eyes darted to Shane and a smile formed on her lips. 

"Well hello Shane!" Shane looked up and gave my mom a polite smile. 

oh so he smiles at her but not me?

"Nice to see you miss Pierce." He says. My mom lets out a laugh. oh for f*cks sake. 

"Mom.. keys.." Her head snaps back to my direction and she frowns. 

"Oh here you go." She says, sighing and handing me the car keys. "How am i supposed to get home?"

"Lissa?" I ask, giving Shane a side way glance. 

"Mhm." She says, sighing again.

"Well i have to leave.. laters mom." I say. She offers a smile and i return it. I turn to Shane.

"well.. thanks for the ride.. again.." I say awkwardly.

"mhm." He says. I give him a last smile and turn around to leave. 


I parked the car infront of the cafe and got out. 

"Sorry i'm late." I said, walking towards Casey. 

"Oh thank god!" She said, shoving a tray into my hand. "I need to use the bathroom." She said, rushing off. I sighed and went behind the counter. 


I looked up at the clock; it was now seven. 

"Guys when does the movie start?" I asked, rinsing the coffee mug. 

"Eight." Replied Nadia, fixing her hair. "We need to be getting ready." I nodded. 

 "Would it be okay if i went home and got a change of clothes?" I asked, putting the cups in the sink. 

"Of course," Nadia said, untying the braid she did. "Meet us there at seven forty five?" I nodded. 

"Going home to change." I said, passing Luke. 

"Mind if i come along?" 

"Sure, come on." I said grinning. "How come you're not going with Casey or jeremy?" 

"Cause they're not going home and i'm hungry." He said, grinning cheekily. 

"Alright." I said, sighing 

I turned on the ignition and started on the way to my house.


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