Chapter 12: Trouble

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Previously on Mega Time Travel Problems:

"Hey guys. Why are we stopping?"
The metro has come to a complete halt. We peeked out the windows to see where we were or who was outside. It was just a small station in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. We looked at Uncle Noah for a possible explanation. He looked back with the same confused and worried face that we all had.

"Grab your bags and the supplies. We might need to leave. Now don't make any noise and let's just wait for a minute or two. Maybe it's just a small break." He finished uncertainty.
We did as he said and packed our stuff quietly and still glancing at the car doors. We got back to our seats but we were ready to get up in a flash of a moments notice. After a minute we heard running footsteps and radio chatter coming from one side of the car. The HPF had found us. How they had found us, I didn't know. All I knew was...


So, we ran to the other side of the car, the side that we didn't hear the running footsteps or radio chatter. We ran to the nearest exit and filed out. Unfortunately for us, the HPF was outside too. They spotted us so we had to make a break for it the other way. The other way was to the woods. We ran for our lives but then we heard darts behind us. The HPF never fatally shot anyone uncles the wee escaped criminals and we were criminals but not escaped ones. On just criminals, they used sleeper darts or as they were commonly known, 'darts'. One of those and you were down.

Like, down down.

The darts whizzed by us. We just kept on running. As we ran I quickly pulled out the GPS from my duffle bag and set it to Swanky, Washington. It said that walking distance was three more hours. It turned out that we were only 30min away if we had stayed on the metro. We were so close! I whistled to everyone to avoid being heard by the HPF. They all saw me and started running behind me. We ran and ran and ran. And then...

Quinn tripped and fell. Clara and I ran back to help her get up since she had fallen and got tangled with some branches and her own duffle bag.

Soon the HPF was further and further away. After 20minutes of non-stop running the HPF was long gone. We slowed down a bit and after a few more minutes we started to walk. Asia was complaining of a hurt ankle, Michelle and Lexi would not stop asking for us to slow down, but as Winter told them, "Shut up and keep up with us you guys. If we don't keep on going, we could still get caught. Asia, I'll take a look at that ankle when we stop." When we reached the 2hours left point, we all stopped. Everyone was really out of breath but most of us were fine. That is except, Quinn, because of her possible condition, Asia, who turned out to have a sprained ankle, Michelle and Lexi, because they were the youngest, and Uncle Noah, who claimed he was alright even though he was wheezing and coughing. The boys thought Quinn was just being whiny and slowed us down for no reason other than 'being a girl'. We quietly took out our water bottles and I did a head count to make sure everyone was there. Uncle Noah gave all of us instructions on how to listen for forest noises and footsteps. He also told us to never let your guard down. So, we made a small schedule to rotate who was going to be the lookout while the rest got to rest. We were not going to sleep, for fear that the HPF could come back and with more people and reloaded darts. After a while we decided to keep on going the next two hours. Unfortunately for us, after only 10 minutes we heard...

"What's that beeping noise?"
AHHHHH ALL THESE CLIFFHANGERS OMG! IM KILLING MYSELF HERE! Anyways I hope y'all liked this chapter and sorry for the late upload but I'm gonna need more time to write these next chapters too. They have a lot of thought put into them soooo... Yeah. Please comment, vote, and share!
~Naomi J Rod

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