Chapter 17: YOU?!

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Previously on Mega Time Travel Problems:

And in walked the last person I ever wanted to see...
"Hello, Roberta. Long time, no see."

I squinted to see who it really was, in case my ears were deceiving me. I knew it was him, but I didn't want to believe it. I drew a sharp breathe in and tried to feel around me for a chair to sit in.
Meanwhile, Nathaniel was already talking,
"Who are you? What are you doing here? How do you know Roberta? What do you want from us?"

"Why, hasn't Roberta talked about me endlessly? How could you not know who I am?"
"What?! No we don't know who you are! Tell me!"

"Well then. I am Cole. Ryan Cole. You may call me Ryan or Cole. Or Sir, Majesty, Emperor of the universe, whatever suits you." Ryan said imperiously. Nathaniel let out a sound that was a mix of both aghast and unimpressed. I wanted to puke. I feel that now is the time to tell you who Ryan is and why I despise him so much. Let's go back to the beginning, shall we?

*tape rewinds to the year 2034. I am 14*

He was my first crush. The firsts boy I ever took a liking to. The only one who made me feel like... Like a girl. I now hate him for that. He was 15 years old and was Ricky's friend. He always came around to our house and studied or hung out with Ricky. While I went to Harper Secondary School with both of them, I was in 2nd:4th (secondary school, 4th grade) and he was in 2nd:5th. Then one day, out of the blue, my crush and brother's friend, asked me out to the school's St. Valentine's Day Dance. I remember that day as if it were yesterday...

"Hey Roberta. How's it going?"
"Good good. You?"
"Eh. Could be worse."
*stupid giggle*
"So you heard about the dance on Friday?"
"Y-yeah. No ones asked me, but I'm going to go anyways, whether someone asks me or not." *internally groaning at the time for being so stupid to say that in front of him*
"Oh yeah? Well, what if someone did ask you out? Would you say yes or leave them hanging?"
*blushing* "Depends on the person, really. But most likely, yes."
"Well then, it's settled. I'll pick you up at 7?"
"W-what?!" *half ecstatic, half doubting I heard correctly*
"I said, I'll pick you up at 7. You know, to be on our way to the dance? I mean, if you wanna..."
"Yeah! No, yeah, yes, uh I mean I want to, like, sure, um YEAH. Uhhh huh. YES." *internally screaming*
"Well, I got to go see Ricky. But I'll see you later, cutie." He winked at me and left.
I remember feeling like the happiest girl in the world that day. I went out the next day with Kristina and Scarlet to buy my dress. They and Michelle are the only ones who have been my friends since that age. Everyone else I met later on. So anyways, I picked out a pastel yellow dress with white polka dots. I also got cute white heels with a tiny little bow on top and a white headband with a small bow. Kristina and Scarlet also chose out dresses for the dance. We were all very excited.

When Friday came along, Ryan picked me up in A LIMO. Apparently, his dad owned 'Cole's Limousine Service' in Harper. That night, I felt like I was in heaven. Something didn't seem right, though. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I had a strange feeling that something was up. I brushed it away that night, thinking I was being paranoid. Everything's was going so well... Until it wasn't.
"Ha ha DUUUUUDE! Did you do it?"
"Aww c'mon man, y'know me! If I say imma do it, I do it. Of course I did it!"
"So, is she here NOW? Won't believe it til I see it."
"Yeah she's here, er, well she was dancing just a minute ago..."
"You sure she's here? Cause if not, I don't pay."
*I walk to the dance floor to see if they're talking about me*
"Aha! There she is! Told ya."
"Well then, you won man. Here's your 20 bucks."
"Aww YEAH! Told ya I could charm that one."
"Yeah yeah whatever man. You won..."
I fled towards the bathroom. My heart was pounding and, I admit, it stung. It stung that all I was to him was $20.

Not even $100 or $500.


All I was to him was. 20. Frickin'. Dollars.

I will admit I was also a bit heartbroken. But somewhere deep inside me, I remember thinking and feeling, 'You knew this was coming. You knew it was too good to be true.' I never told Kristina or Scarlet what happened that night, only that it just didn't work out. I left him alone at the dance and walked myself home.

I don't even recall crying.

*flashback ends*

Now we are here. I don't know why or how Ryan is here right now but what I do know is that I don't want him here at all. Ricky is the only one who knew the entire story.
He growled and yelled, "What the hell are you doing here?!"
I heard Nathaniel ask, "What? Why? Who is he? What has he done?"
Ricky made sputtering noises but quickly regained his composure. I knew he didn't want to spill my secret.

"He's from our past." I said quietly but loud enough that I think everyone heard.

"I'm so confused!" Nathaniel yelled in frustration.

"You don't need to know the whole story since it's not mine to tell but just know that he hurt Roberta. Badly." By the softness yet fierceness of the voice, I could tell it was Winter.
"What did he do?!" I could tell that question was directed to me, even though I couldn't see Nathaniel. I sighed, knowing if have to tell him and the others, sooner or later. Hopefully later, but sooner worked too. Although I couldn't see him, I knew Ryan was smirking. He enjoyed seeing others suffer, I had learned that throughout the years. I drew my breath shakily.

Fortunately for me, but unfortunately for everyone else and me too, in walked the biggest traitor I knew...
WHAT?! WHO?! OH NO! Who the heck could it be and why is Roberta calling them a traitor?! O EM GEE! Find out next in chapter 18!

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