Chapter 5: What?!

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Previously on Mega Time Travel Problems:
"Okay," I asked, "But you still haven't answered our question. What could possibly happen that is SO bad?"

Uncle Noah just looked at me with the saddest expression I had ever seen anyone bear in my entire 17 years of life.


I looked at him for an answer. He looked away.
Nathaniel asked again the same question. Uncle Noah looked back at us again and sighed. He said, "Alright, I'll tell you both a shortened version of the story because I can't tell you more, okay?" We both nodded reluctantly. Noah started, "Tonight, at 6pm some of your friends will ask you to secretly go out, even though you are all underage. You both will agree to go and even start taking some other friends and siblings. You will all meet at the Jazz Hands Cafe where in two hours you be caught be the Harper Police Force. All of you will get arrested and then everything will go downhill from there. Many more bad things (and some good things out of the bad) will happen to all of you. I've also seen another path. The one where you all avoid the Jazz Hands Cafe but you still get caught the next morning. The only way we can stop this is by escaping Harper. We must go into hiding somewhere else, in some other city. I've already picked the safest city: Swanky, Washington. It's only a two minute loop ride from here so you don't have to worry about that. Now, any questions?"

I did. "What about our parents? Our other academy mates? What about them? And where will we stay at if we do manage to escape?"

"Your parents are in more danger if you don't tell them anything and if we leave. If the HPF finds your parents after they've arrested you, they'll think that your parents knew of your outing. If you escape, the HPF will be more likely not to suspect your parents, therefore making it safer for them. Your other academy mates are safe as long as they stay here being the law abiding citizens that they are. And if and when we do escape, I know of a house we can stay at. All of us. Have your questions been answered?"

I nodded, a bit uncertainly. I noticed that Nathaniel hadn't said anything about all of this yet. I softly nudged him to get a reaction from him. He pulled me closer.

Then he said, "Well, we're gonna need backup aren't we?"

Hey thanks for reading Chapter 5: What?!
Let me know what you think about this chapter in the comments below.
~NJ Rod :)

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