Chapter 22: So...

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Previously On Mega Time Travel Problems:

Then they weren't apart anymore.

Nathaniel had kissed me.

He had actually kissed me.

In front of all of our friends.

And I loved it.

His lips had been so soft and gentle like this kiss itself. He had put his hands around me and leaned down and kissed me while I was fixing his tie. It lasted about 30 seconds (or a few days, I couldn't tell...). When our lips parted he smiled down at me and I up to him. We blushed.
I looked around and saw everyone staring at us. Diana, Winter, and Quinn smirked at me, Emily, Kristina, and Amy smiled warmly, Michelle, Lexi, and Asia looked like they were gonna burst of excitement, and Clara, Tori, and Scarlet gave me 'ooooh' looks. The guys smiled at Nathaniel and Ricky looked torn between wanted to punch Nathaniel and being happy for me. Amy had a firm arm around him so I think he was gonna settle for being happy.

My happy moment was cut short when Uncle Noah walked in.

"Well, I see we have one part of this mission done. And almost everyone is here. We just need four more people and then I can tell everybody the plan. For now, well, eat up and mingle. I'll be back shortly." He walked out but not before winking at Nathaniel knowingly.

I blushed.


I noticed that my arms were around his neck so I pulled them down but he grabbed my hand in his and led me to sit down at one of the tables. We got food and ate with our friends. We all talked about stuff and made small talk about how, why, when, and what was going to happen. Everyone was just as confused as we were. Tori and Riley said that other than the things they've already told us, they knew nothing else at all.
Soon, our friends Elizabeth and Jessica walked in with Jessica's boyfriend, Daniel. Jessica and Daniel had been together for four months now, since May. While, we all knew each other and were friends, Jessica and Elizabeth were BFFLANOCSTs too. Daniel and Jessica were holding hands and I noticed that Jessica had on a light green dress that was strapless and went down to her knees. Elizabeth had on a red and orange dress with a swoop neckline and a tutu skirt. Daniel was obviously wearing a tux with a light green handkerchief to match with Jessica's dress.
"Hey guys! What are you doing here?" Said Jessica as she neared.
"We don't know! But how come you three are?" I asked her.
"We were just told to come, to change into these outfits, and to come on here." Answered Elizabeth in her soft, almost childlike voice.
"Oh. Well we know as much as you do so..." Winter trailed off. She was starting at the door in shock and surprise.

Wait wait wait. Stop. The author has a few words for you...
Okay, so, I should let you know right here, right now, that from here on out, there is gonna be gay dating and the like. If you are against homosexuality and bisexuality, please leave now. I don't want any hate here so if you are uncomfortable with this topic or are against it, just leave and don't say anything. Any hate or rude comments will be deleted and reported. Thank you. ~Naomi :)
Okay! Thank you author! Now, back to the story...

In walked Regina. AKA Clara's crush. Clara was bi and had had a crush on Gina for a few months now. But she had loved Harry more, that was the reason she hadn't left him for Gina. Then things happened, obviously. Gina was also bi but had been single for a year now. Her first boyfriend had dumped her after finding out she was bi and had hooked up with some other girl. Gina had been devastated and heartbroken for a few months. But why the hell she was here now, in a dark navy blue dress that went midway to her ankles and had three quarter sleeves, was beyond me. Clara saw her and turned and mouthed 'help' to Tori. Regina was not really our friend, but we all knew her and she knew us.
"Hey Regina. How's it going?" I asked politely.
"Well I'm here. So, not great." She rolled her eyes, but I saw her steal a glance at Clara's head which was turned around, pretending to be talking to Tori and Scarlet about chocolate fudge. We waited for another painful two minutes and Uncle Noah walked in. He looked both excited and nervous.
So... WHAT?! What happened next?!
Well, you'll have to wait and find out now won't you? *evil giggle*
To all of you who don't yet get it, this is Naomi and this is Stella Jean my beta reader and best friend. She will now be in all of these author notes, but doesn't know what happens next. Only I, Naomi, know. Hehehe...
~ N & SJ

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