Chapter 13: The Glass Cells

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Previously on Mega Time Travel Problems:

"What's that beeping noise?"
Was the last thing we heard. The direction had come from Uncle Noah. We had listened to him and ran, but it was too late. The smoke bomb had caught us.
Now, all of us were here.

In an unknown place.

We were in glass cells so that we were separated but could still see each other. By the time I woke up from the sleep the smoke had out me through, most of the others had woken up too. The only ones not wake were Lexi, Michelle, and Quinn. Kristina was desperately trying to call out to Michelle, who was in the cell next to her, but to no avail. I looked to the cell to the right of me and saw Nathaniel there banging on the glass and calling out my name.

Except, I couldn't hear him.
The glass cells were soundproof.

Fortunately for us, we knew some ASL.
"Where are we?" I signed.
"I don't know but all of us are here. Also, we are the only ones in this whole cell section." He signed back. "I'm glad your up, though."
I blushed. Then I asked why Lexi, Michelle, and Quinn weren't up yet, when the rest of us were. He shrugged his shoulders and replied, "I don't really know about Quinn, but I think I know why Lexi and Michelle are still asleep. See, I've asked the others who know some ASL and from what I've heard, we have woken up oldest to youngest. Te oldest being Uncle Noah and the youngest will obviously be Lexi. So, Quinn should be waking up momentarily, followed by Michelle, and lastly, Lexi." He smiled.

He looked so cute when figured things out.

But if Quinn really was with child, every girl in the cell section, except Clara, knew that she was going to be the one to wake up first. My thoughts were broken when Nathaniel waved his arms to get my attention and signed,

"Look who's up."
Who? WHO? Who woke up? Is it Quinn, who really turns out to NOT be expecting? Or is it Michelle, meaning that Quinn IS with child? Find out in Chapter 14!!!

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