Isnt this like my 3rd A/N?

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Hei readers••••
Okay so sorry this isn't an update but I just had to post this now.

I have news.

*pause for dramatic effect*

I will be changing some of my characters' names.


*cricket noises turn to boos*

Okay okay well I'm sorry. I just wasn't happy with some of the names so I changed them up a bit. As some of you know by now, a lot of these names have real and actual meaning to them for me. But the ones I'm changing, don't, so now they do. Got it? GREAT. 👍!

So here are the ones I'll be changing...

Jessica- Centira

NOTE: if you wanna know why I changed these names and/or what the hell they even mean or where in the f-- fudge! I got them, DM me or (if you have my #) text me.

Thanks so much for reading 📖 !!! Love y'all!

Also, since y'all haven't gotten an actual chapter in about six days, here's a big hint on what's coming next in MTTP:

Get ready for the...





*internally screaming*

Guys I'm not even joking. I was reading over some of these and I actually FRIKIN GASPED AS I READ SOMETHING THAT I HAD JUST WRITTEN FIVE MINUTES AGO.
Not even joking.
The next chapter will be not very exciting but the one after that WILL. And so will the next two or maybe even three!

Again, thank y'all so very much for putting up with me and all of my crazy crap.

I love my readers so much!

Hope you enjoy these upcoming chapters and please follow me, vote on my chapters, and leave comments!

~Naomi 🎈

PS Stella says hi. She was eating a bagel while I was typing all of this so she couldn't type with me. But she says hi and wants you guys to know that she loves you just as much as I do and hopes you have actually made it this far into the A/N and keep on reading our chapters.

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