Chapter 30: The Lost Mind

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Previously on Mega Time Travel Problems:

"Yeah, look at th--"


That was the last thing we heard before the world around us shattered. The walls began to close in on us, the ceiling started to fall, and the stairs were crumbling. I grabbed Tori's hand as quick as possible as she was the closest to me and began to run. I saw Nathaniel run next to us but didn't see Riley. I looked back and saw that she was frozen in shock and terror, still sitting at the bottom of the stairs. I ran back as fast as I could.

"Riley! RILEY! Riley, COME ON WE HAVE TO GO!" I shook her but she would not budge.

"Riley, listen to me, if we don't get out of here soon, WE ARE GOING TO DIE." Tori was trying everything in her power to wake Riley up from her stupor. Riley suddenly jerked awake and screamed. Another part of the staircase fell, right behind her. She jumped up and we began to run. We ran to the back stairs where we found Clara, Gina, Tony, and Darrel already there.

A bit closer and I noticed that Tony's shirt was in tatters and Gina and Clara were trying to clean some of the blood off of his back. He was lying on his stomach his head in his hands and unmoving. Tori had been trying to stay strong but as soon as she saw Tony lying on the ground like that, she broke.

"No. No! NO!" She yelled. She began shaking and ran to Tony.

"What happened to him?" Nathaniel asked with a shocked expression while Tori went over to try to help Gina and Clara but failing as she was sobbing uncontrollably. She rested her head on Tony's back and couldn't stop crying.

Riley was in tears and ran to Darrel where he was waiting with open arms and a scared expression.

"That blast made part of the wall, of the room we were in, fall. It landed partially on Tony here and we only managed to get him out like this." Clara answered Nathaniel's question.

Nathaniel and I went around to look if anyone else was there.

"Who else was on this team, Team 3?" I questioned Darrel.
"It was just us four." He shook his head.
"Do you know where any of the other teams are?"

He thought for a moment. "Well, I know where James' team is at. Team 4. They were in charge of the back doors." He realized something. "His team has Quinn! It has Centira and Kantor in it too!"

"Well, we're gonna have to go look for them." Nathaniel and I agreed. We left Darrel and the rest of Teams 3 and 7 to go find Team 4.

It didn't take us long to get to the back of the house.

Part of the back living room looked as if they were going to fall and the furniture and one of the walls were already down. Rubble was scattered everywhere and it was a bit hard to get through all of it. The room was dark and the windows were all cracked and/or totally gone.

We clicked on our flashlights and I called out, "Hey! Team 4! Anybody there?"
I got no response. After a few seconds I tried again. "This is Roberta from Team 7. Is anyone from Team 4 here at all?"

Nathaniel and I were about to leave when we heard a groan coming from behind what was left of the sofa around the back of the room. We trudged over to the sofa and saw Quinn lying on her back, barely moving. Nathaniel checked her pulse while I checked for any body injuries. I found that she was pretty much fine and Nathaniel said, "Her pulse is fine. She probably just fell and with the weight of the baby and all, that fall was harder on her than any other person."

Quinn awoke and winced at all of the light.
She groaned. "What happened?"
"Well," I started before her eyes widened and she remembered where she was. Quinn looked down at the little bump forming on her stomach and put her arms around it protectively.
"Is my baby okay?" She asked, her eyes wide in fear.
I smiled. "Yes. Well to our knowledge. We just found you like this, barely conscious, while looking for the rest of your team. Do you remember what happened to them or where they are?"
She nodded her head. "Yeah, I remember. Before that blast, James said he was going to scan the outside. Centira and Kantor were going to the other room," she pointed to the door leading to the other room, "and I was to stay here. I would've been either very hurt or dead right now had my ring not fallen behind this couch. As I went to look for it, that bomb or whatever went off. That's all remember."

I nodded and turned to Nathaniel, but he was already halfway to the other room.

N: Hey readers! Hope you like how this is going so far. I've been trying to make this as interesting as possible (although I'm failing aren't I? Yeah okay I'm failing...).
S: well this would a lot better if you didn't leave us AT CLIFFHANGERS LIKE EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER!!!!!
N: Sorry, Stella. I've gotta.
N: the author.
N: *runs out*
S: OH HELL NO *chases Naomi out*

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