Chapter 2

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chapter 2

Monti's POV

     "Monti, you need to be dressed nicer for the first day of school, maybe a dress would do?" Daisy suggests. My family always dresses up for little things. But me? No way." Nice to know you guys like my styles. But no thanks." I tell her sarcastically. I grab a plate and put some bacon ,eggs, and a biscuit on it. I sit next to Chase and begin to eat. I felt eyes burning into me from every direction. Geesh.

"Fine, I'll go change into a stupid dress." I mutter as I get up. I grab the polished wooden rail and stomp up the stairs. I walk into my room and to my dresser. It's 7:00 A.M. and school doesn't start until 9. I opened the third drawer which held all my dresses. I put on a pink dress with three layers that stops just above my knee- The first one is a really dark shade of pink the second is hot pink the third is a really light pink.

   I open my shoes closet and pulled out a pair of pink flats. I walked back downstairs for approval. "You look great" Aunt Marie praised. Every girl in the house is wearing a dress. I don't want to but I have to. "Thanks" I grabbed my empty plate-empty?  "Chase!" I whine. "You ate my stuff!" I say stomping my foot.

      I hold out my hand, waiting for him to give me money so I can buy breakfast. "What?" he asked.  I arch my eyebrow.  He knows what I want. He sighs while reaching into his back pocket to pull out his wallet, a bad place to put his wallet. He gives me a 20 dollar bill. Maybe I shouldn't take this. I handed him the money  back . He gave me a puzzled look. "Look, I love you, brother, I know you were hungry and you shouldn't have to pay for my mistake of leaving my plate out. I can cook, don't worry. Love ya. Have a good day at school, Chase." I said. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran out of the house.

     I was frozen at the sight of a U-haul parked across the street. I should ring Chase. Shoot, I don't have my phone. I turned around and went back into the house. I went upstairs and into my room. I walked over to my bed and saw my phone with a small note on it that read,

'Don't eat lunch today, meet me at the tree. Love you too.'

Chase did this. I'll do it though. Chase was my least favorite but he was my favorite, I loved him the most, he's a clumsy, foolish idiot, but that's why I love him the most. I know that's messed up but we are the closest. 'The Tree' was a very special tree. Many things have happened for us there since we were younger. We had to beck them to not cut it down so they could build the highschool we go to now.

I run back out the house and start walking to school. I like to get there early because my friend, Rhiver, is always there early. After about 20 minutes of walking, I finally made it to school.I spotted Rhiver sitting down with her eyes closed and her hands on her knees while she listened to the music on her phone by the school doors. I crept beside her. her music was loud enough for me to hear, she was listening to 'Skinny Love' by Birdy. I sang along as that part came on. She screamed in fear. She pushed me down then realized who I was. "

  "Oh, don't do that again or I will cut your... va-jay jay off! You hear me?!" She said while helping me up. I tried to hold a fit of laughter in as we stood  in silence.

  I felt my phone vibrate. It was a text from Chase. I smiled at the memories we had together as kids and now we're almost grown adults. The text read,

'R u OK? that was a pretty hard fall.xx

Dear Bother of yours' .

I looked around to see if he was in sight to be watching me. I looked at Rhiver, she shrugged trying to hold back a laugh. She's hiding something. She turned her head the other way as I made my way over to her. I grabbed he collar  "Where is he!" I laugh.

" Looking for me?" I heard a familiar voice call. I turned around and met my idiot brother's eyes. " Yeah, I'm alright. What are you doing here so early? We have like two hours left before school starts" I ask. His hands were behind his back. " Well, I came to give you your bag." he said while pulling my precious bag from behind his back.

" My precious, my precious! Gimmie gimmie gimmie! Please!" I pleaded As he put it up in the air, making it hard for me to reach. He was really tall. Since I couldn't get my bag back, I decided to tickle his sides. He's the most ticklish in the whole house, that's his weakness, well, one, his girlfriend, if someone hurts her in any way he will be devastated and want to hurt somebody. He laughed uncontrollably lowering his arms to his sides. Chase fell to the ground still laughing while I stood there. He finally stopped laughing and tried to catch his breath but ended up laughing again.

After Two whole minutes he finally stopped laughing and we started. He tried to get  up and fell back down again I grab his hand and pull him up. I grab my bag from him. "Thanks for the bag, ugly." I said. "Your welcome, hideous." he said back. " I hate you "  I said. " I love you" he said. " Love you too."

I looked back at Rhiver who had a confused look on her face. Chase and I started laughing together. " You guys are so weird" She said and ran off somewhere. " Hmm, wonder what that was about. So why do you want to meet me at the tree? I didn't even ha-" he cut me off , '' You'll see, my dear sister." He said then gave me a kiss on my cheek and ran off. ugh. What's with everybody running off?


"Hey, Class! Shut up!" Mr.Brian shouted over the mindless chatter between the students.

"I'm just kidding but, you guys have ten minutes left to talk. Continue"

Mr.Brian said. We all laughed and continued to talk. I turned my attention behind me where Rhiver and I were talking. The class was an uneven so someone had to sit by them self. We were in science so we were seated at tables and Rhiver wanted to sit by her boyfriend, Munro.

Unfortunately  she was talking to Munro. The door made a click sound and everyone stopped talking and turned their attention to the door. In came a boy with curly hair, black leather jacket, black skinny jeans and a black hat on.

" Class, we have a new student," Mr.Brian interrupted most of the girl's thoughts. "Ian would you like to introduce yourself?" Mr. Brian asked. " Nah" He replied. How rude. "Well go a head and find a seat, Mr. Eastwood y-" Ian cut him off, "It's Ian" He said turning around to face Mr.Brian. " okay. well have a seat right next to Montiella, Monti raise your hand." He demanded. I obeyed him and slowly put my right hand in the air. I put my hand down as he sat down besides me. He sat back in is chair and crossed his arms. We sat there in silence other than the noise around us. He got out a pack of gum and handed me a piece, "No thank you." I said politely while shaking my head.

He shrugged and opened the piece of gum and ate it.

Hmm... Thats weird. Who just comes in and gives someone a piece of gum. And he didn't even say anything!

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