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Monti's POV

Well, I'm sitting on my bed with Max and Gynger. Max is my dog and Gynger is my cat. I'm wearing my white Nike's with a red Nike sign on the side, my pink Aeropostale Shirt with a grey cardigan and a pair of grey skinny jeans. Gynger was on my lap while Max was to my right,sleeping. Gynger is a domestic longhaired brown and black cat. Max is a white Labrador retriever. My family has a really big house, in fact, it actually is a mansion. My white flat screen TV is currently playing the movie Catching fire.

There are so much going through my head. Like when they beat Cina up. And when she said that she needs Peeta. And am I the only one who notices that she has a full case of bows in the very next scene. And come on! Josh Hutcherson is waaaaay too good for Jennifer Lawrence. Josh Hutcherson is totally hot. And Max Irons. I have poster of both of them on one particular wall. The wall goes a little further on to the walls next to it but, I don't care! They're total Hotties!

Great. I sound like one of 'those' girls now.

But I am really jealous of her because I want to kiss Josh Hutcherson too! Oh well. And Saoirse Ronan, I'm jealous of her because she got to kiss two hotties in The Host. Seriously, she must've been happy, I would've. My thoughts were interrupted by a knocking on my door. "Who is it?" I ask the person who interrupted my thoughts. "Its me" I heard Daisy say through the door. "Come in"

"Hey, sis" She said coming into the room awkwardly. I notice she has something behind her back, its an envelope. She walks'  toward me with a smirk on her face. "What's going on between you and. Ian?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. "This is for you" She said handing me the envelope. On the front of the envelope it says,

'Hey babe, I bought this for you as a gift since... well you know.

Love, Manwhore'

"You have a boyfriend! Go Monti!" She cheered. That little... Tomorrow, I'm going to rip his throat out. "I don't have a boyfriend." I sigh. Her smile turns into a confused facial expression. "Oh, well, anyways why does it say 'babe' and why did he call himself, 'Manwhore'? Wait! Oh my bloody god. No freakin' way! Ian Eastwood likes you!"

'oh, yeah! Daisy the guy that called me slut, made me twist my ankle in a closet, made me work with him everyday after school, AND I have to teach with him, totally just LOVES me.' is what I want to say but. I can't. BUT, I will tell her that I...I...I can't tell her. "Do you like him?" She asks now sitting on my bed, the opposite of Max. I shake my head.  I hate him more than anything. "I hate his guts!" I say on disgust.

"But Monti, he is like a total hottie."

"But he is also a total jerk." I stated, picking gynger up and holding her in my arms, while standing up. "How?" Daisy asks now standing up. "Well, I... I will tell you later but not here right now, I will tell you everything." Daisy simply nodded. See, Daisy is not one to tell secrets that are not hers to tell. And how I feel is a secret. "Look, Ian may be new but he is not nice."

Daisy shrugged, "Well, what's he like?"

"Well," I begin before telling her all I know of Ian.

"Okay then. Sounds like you sort of know him. You don't know him that much but. Eh"

I giggle and shake my head at the silly girl. "So, why did he call you babe?" She asks. "He's a jerk. that's why." I shake my head and look at the envelope.

"So," I begin, crossing my legs on the bed, daisy following my actions. "What's in the envelope?"

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