My Life As Nathan Sykes Wife Chapter 3

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*Next day*

I woke up snuggling with Nathan, so i got up and went in the shower and when i came out i put on my Gloucester football team jersey,black jeans, Selena Gomez neon high tops,blue and white SnapBack with my blue beats.i went into my room to find Nathan awake.

Kayla"Good morning Mr Sykes"

Nathan"Well good morning Mrs Sykes"

Kayla"haha in your dreams"

Nathan"Yeah when i was younger"seeming embarrassed.

Kayla"What really"

Nathan nodded so i went over to him and sat on my bed with him.

Nathan"I always thought when i was older i would be married to you"

Kayla"Awww really me too"

He cupped his hand around my face and we started kissing and he ended up lying on top of me.

Kayla"We shouldn't........"

He looked disappointed but he never let me finish

Kayla"We shouldn't because its too early" when i said that he smiled.

Nathan"Kayla will you be my girlfriend"

Kayla"Yes if you get off me"

Nathan kissed me again and then he rolled over so i was on top of him.

Kayla"Go in the shower you goof"

I got off Nathan and went to blow dry my hair while he went in the shower.

I went downstairs not to wake anyone up and made tea for everyone but i was bored so i played a prank on all the couples still sleeping upstairs. I got water balloons and stuck them above the beds attached them with string and hooked the string to the front door and so whoever opens it will make the balloons splash.

I walked out the last room giggling until i saw Nathan.

Nathan"Hey whatcha giggling it"

Kayla"Just wait and see"

Me and Nathan walked downstairs to find all the guys drinking the tea i made.

Louis"We better get them to wake up"

Just before Louis was going to get them the post was there so he went and opened the door.

Kelsey,Nareesha,Nikki,Niall,Siva and Tom all screamed and came downstairs soaking wet.

Niall said quite pissed"ALRIGHT WHO DID IT"

We all laughed our heads off and Nikki realised i had done this prank to mum and dad.

Nikki"Kayla you did this"

I tried to act innocent"How do you know i did this"

Nikki"You have did this prank on mum and dad"

I took pictures at the people soaking wet and put it on twitter

@TomTheWanted, @SivaTheWanted, @Nikki_Niall'sBabyx!,@NiallHoran_Official,@Kelsey_TomGirl and @Nare_esha #AmazingPranks 6 little duckies are wet .

Nathan"Aww so thats why you were in the rooms"

Kayla"To be fair Louis opened the door"

Louis"I didn't know this would happen"

Tom"We are so going to get you back"

Kayla"Oh but Tom you all love me that much you couldn't"

Kelsey"She has a point babe"

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