My Life As Nathan Sykes Wife Chapter 13

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2 months later

2 months later it was october and on the 10th i had went into labour at a really random time.


Kayla"Nathan wake up"

Nathan"Whats up"

Kayla"I-I think the b-b-babies coming now"

Nathan"Now ok lets go"

Nathan came out with Adam and we went into the car and drove to the hospital we phoned Siva and Nareesha since they were going to be the godparents of baby number 2.

Nathan"Excuse me can i get a doctor"

Doctor"Hello Nathan what seems to be the problem"

Nathan"My wife is having her baby now"

Doctor"Ok everyone lets get this women to a room asap"

Nathan asked Siva to look after Adam the now while he followed he doctor to a room with me, within 50 minutes we had our second child.

Nurse"What are you going to call her"

Kayla"Can we name her later"

Nurse"Sure um we don't permit visitors the now but since you came now i guess you can have your visitors in"


Nathan ran to get them.

Nareesha"What is it"

Nathan"Its a baby girl"

Nareesha"OMG well done"

Siva"I can't believe it well done"

Kayla"No more babies"

Nathan whispered in my ear"I think we should call the baby now"

Kayla"Ok we have a name for the baby"


Kayla"Kristina Sykes"

Siva"Thats cute"

Siva took a picture and posted it up on twitter.

@SivaTheWanted-I can't believe it @NathanTheWanted and @KaylaSykes12468 x! Just had a baby girl Kristina well done you too x

Nathan"Mate this is your new sister"

Adam"I got a sister"


Adam"She is cute"

We all slept in the room and i was aloud out next morning.


I woke up and got changed into clothes that Nareesha brought over last night and got changed, i woke up Nathan and Adam to go sign the release papers then i was aloud to go home.

We walked in the door and everyone shouted SURPRISE!!!

Kayla"Aww thanks you guys"

Kelsey"Aww that baby is so cute"

Nathan"Her names Kristina"

Tom"How is it spelt"


Justin"Congrats Nathan and Kayla"

Nathan"Thanks Justin"

Justin"Your guys remember Kirsten"

Kayla"Yes hi"


Justin"We are getting married in December"

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