My Life As Nathan Sykes Wife Chapter 24

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Tuesday Morning

I woke up the next morning feeling really happy because i loved Nathan's free day off but he also gets another day off until he has to work tomorrow,I snuggled against his warm bare chest and he wrapped his arm pulling me closer i was about to go back to sleep when i heard Kristina shouting.


Kayla"Nath i gotta get Kristina"

Nathan"No let Nano get her"

Kayla"Babe as much as i would love to i can't"

Nathan"I'm not letting go"

Kayla"Well i guess i'm going to have to make you"

I started poking his sides and he definitely struggled and he ended up on the floor.


Kayla"I'm sorry"

He grabbed my arm pulling me down

Nathan"I love this position"he winked

Kayla"Too bad lover boy"

After sorting Kristina i went into the shower,towel dried my hair and straightened it, i put on a white jumper with a black bunny on it,black skinny jeans and a pair of black vans.

I got downstairs and started making breakfast for Nathan whilst i was cooking it Nathan came in.

Nathan"Representing the one and only Adam Harry Sykes"

Adam came into the kitchen dressed exactly like Nathan-Game Over T-shirt,black jeans and white high tops and spiked hair.

Kayla"Wow you look just as handsome as daddy"


Once Adam left to go play with his cars i went over to Nathan and gave him a kiss and hug.

Kayla"But your just as sexy"

Nathan"Such a flirt"

Kayla"Do you want food"


Kayla"Then hush"

I took a plate out of the cupboard and put on 3 sausages,2 eggs,1 black pudding and 1 potato scone.

Nathan"This is lovely"

Kayla"Here is your tea Mr Sykes"

Nathan"Thanks Kayla"

I went into the livingroom and placed Kristina on her mat while i went on twitter.

@Kayla_Sykes 1235 x!"Any good movies to see at the cinema?"

I got a few instant tweets

@Real_Liam_Payne"Toy story duh!!"

@JayTheWanted"Avatar, god Kayla"

@Miss_KelseyParker"Wreck it Ralph but if its just you and Nath The Vow"

@NiallOfficial"Is it with the kids?"

In reply to @NiallOfficial

@Kayla_Sykes 1235 x!"Yup"

In reply to @Kayla_Sykes 1235 x!

@NiallOfficial"Um Wreck it Ralph"

Kayla"Nathan what movie do you want to see with the kids"

He came in and plopped his butt beside me

Nathan"Ask on twitter"

Kayla"I did, Liam says Toy Story,Jay says Avatar,Kelsey says Wreck it Ralph and so does Niall"

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