My Life As Nathan Sykes Wife Chapter 16

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Me and the girls woke up startled because of Lucy's alarm on her phone, she was really nervous to get married,we all decided to get ready we all went in a shower(at different times) , we all got changed into our dresses-The bridesmaids wore long, lilac dresses with embroidery all over it and Lucy's dress was amazing it was white, short at the front long at the back, with a purple pattern going around it.

Nathan's Pov

Max was getting married today and he was freaking out.

Max"Ok so my best man is going to be hard to choose"

Tom"Well do not pick me i will probably be hammered by the time it gets to the speech"

Jay"I would say pick me but i forget things easily"

Max"Ok i am going to choose Nathan"

Nathan"Thanks mate"

Max"Siva thats ok isn't it"

Siva"Yes its fine"

Jay"Don't worry when i get married to Paige you will be my best man"

Siva"Thanks buddy"

Max"Nathan i want you to give this to Lucy now"

Max handed me a purple velvet box with a heart shaped diamond necklace.

I walked out of Max's suite and made my way to mine and Kayla's suite.

I knocked on the door and Nareesha answered it.

Nareesha"Now Nathan if you here to see Kayla she is getting her hair done"

Nathan"As much as i would love to see my wife i am actually here to give a present from the groom to his bride"

Nareesha let me in and took me to the bedroom where Lucy was standing in her dress.

Lucy"Hi Nath"

Nathan"You look gorgeous"

Lucy"Do you think Max will like it"

Nathan"He'll love it but to perfect it here you go"

Lucy took out the necklace and i helped put it around her

Lucy"Oh its complete"

Nathan"You look amazing"

Lucy"Thank you who's the best man"

Nathan"Me but Liam is taking you down the isle"

Lucy"One directions Liam"


Lucy"Ok and since you helped bring this you are aloud to see Kayla"

Nathan"Thank you"

I walked out the bedroom and went to the kitchen to find Kelsey doing Kayla's hair, she looked amazing her hair was curled and it really suited her.

Kayla"Hey babe"

Nathan"Hello you look absolutely beautiful"

Kayla"I like your suit"

Nathan"Thanks i try"

Kelsey"Who's best man and whats the arrangements"

Nathan"I'm best man and it goes Max then me and Kayla,Nikki and Niall,You and Tom,Louis and Eleanor,Zayn and Perri,Jay and Paige,Nareesha and Siva,Harry and Lucy and Liam"

Kelsey"So the bride has two people take her down"

Nathan"Yes because they don't have dates"

Kelsey"ok now get out now"

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