My Life As Nathan Sykes Wife Chapter 7

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*2 months later*

I can't believe the guys are going on tour today and they are leaving us with Adam,Emily and Oliver, surprisingly Jay got a girlfriend called Bella Jones and Max and Lucy are trying for a baby.

Nathan's POV

I was leaving for the tour today, i really didn't want to leave Kayla with the baby and there will probably be an argument at vegas.My Alarm clock went off and Kayla and Adam woke up so i went to get Adam and bring him into our room.

Kayla woke up"Oh my poor baby"

I handed Adam to Kayla and i sat on the bed with them.

Nathan"Hey babe i will see you in 2 months ok"


I almost cried leaving Adam"Mate i will see you later"i gave Adam a kiss on his head and went over to Kayla and gave her a kiss.

Tom"Nathan lets go"he shouted loudly.

Kayla"Bye Nathan"


Kelsey and Emily was fast asleep in our other guest room, Nareesha was sleeping on the sofa in Adam's room because Oliver was only 1 month old and me and Adam slept on my bed it was 5:30 he left we were still tired so we slept until 9:45am.

I woke up to Adam crying so i got up and took him downstairs and made him a bottle and he settled down.

Kelsey yawned"Hey you ok"

Kayla"Yeah i miss Nathan"

Kelsey"Its fine you will get used to it,so what we doing today"

Kayla"I don't really mind but how about we go to the park"

Kelsey"Sure so hows about you get ready and i will look after the little guy"

So i did as Kelsey said i went in the shower,blow dried and straightened my hair and put on a red and white striped top,a pair of chinos,white high tops.

Kayla"He really likes you i have never seen him this quiet"

Kelsey"How do you think we managed with Emily"

Nareesha came down with Oliver and she looked a wreck.

Nareesha"Hey Kayla or kelsey please take Oliver while i go get changed"

I took Oliver off Nareesha but then Adam started crying so we swapped babies and Adam settled back down.

Kayla"Its going to be a long 2 months"

My phone rang-The Wanted Heart Vacancy played.

Kelsey"Who is it"


*Phone call*

Nathan"Hey we just landed"

Kayla"Thats great i can hear screaming fans"

Nathan"Its really loud here but why is it so quiet over there"

I laughed"Emily is still sleeping,Oliver is with Kelsey and Adam is with me they are quiet"

Nathan"That's a miracle, i really miss you so much"

Kayla"Me too its going to be a long 2 months"

Nathan"Yeah em Jay says Hey,Max says have fun going crazy,Siva says don't miss me too much and Tom says you better not be partying without us"

Kayla"Can you put Tom on"

Tom"Hello this is Tom who is speaking on the cellular device"

Kayla"Very funny Tom"

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