My Life As Nathan Sykes Wife Chapter 33

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*Beep Beep*

Nathan"Babe its time to go"

Kayla"Ok let me get dressed and then we can go"

Nathan"I'll get the kids car seats"


I quickly changed into a pair of sweats,a rose t-shirt and a pair of red converse.I went into Adam's room and picked him up and walked with him downstairs, while Nathan was putting stuff into the car i put Adam into his carseat and then did the same thing to Kristina, i went to the passenger seat and waited for Nathan to finish putting the stuff into the boot.

Nathan"Ok lets go"

Its currently 7pm which is a late time for us to leave so its a 2hr 50min ride from Gloucester to Brighton we just have to make one pit stop.

While Nathan was driving i was looking out the window thinking and our kids were fast asleep and we were fully prepared for when they wake up.

About 25 minutes into the ride and Adam woke up hungry so i gave him a little box of coco pops and for his drink i gave me a carton of milk.

10 minutes later Kristina woke up so i handed Adam a little box of apples and grapes so he could feed his sister and for her drink i gave her, her bottle of milk.

Now i was hungry so i just had a little box of rice crispies and a can of cola luckily Nathan had something before we left, i put in The Wanted album and it started playing songs every time Nathan and Tom's bit came up Nathan sang it,when Max's bit came up Adam sang it and as for me i sung Jay and Siva's parts, the first song that came on was All Time Low.

"All Time Low"

A(max)"Praying won't do it

Hating won't do it

Drinking won't do it

Fighting won't knock you out

Of my head"

N(tom)"Hiding won't hide out

Smiling won't hide it

Like I ain't tried it

Everyone's tried it now

And failed somehow"

K(jay)"So when you gonna let me

When you gonna let me out, out"

K+N(siva+nathan)"And if you know

How do you get up from an all time low?

I'm in pieces

It seems like peace is

The only thing I'll never know"

N(nathan)How do you get up?

Get up?"

N(tom)"'Cause driving won't do it

Flying won't do it

Denying won't do it

Crying won't drown it out

What you said"

K(jay)When I'm standing on the yellow line

Waiting at the station

Or I'm late for work

A vital presentation

If you call me now girl

Without reservation

I would try to break through"

All of us(TW)But if you know

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