My Life As Nathan Sykes Wife Chapter 26

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Thank you guys for reading it means a lot xxx.


Nathan's Pov

It was time for me to go to work, i went into the shower and got cleaned up.After my shower i got dressed into a white polo shirt, black jeans and white high tops, i styled my hair which was spiked up.

I was about to give Kayla a kiss when she woke up coughing and sneezing.

Nathan"You ok babe"

Kayla"I think i'm sick"

Nathan"Do you want me to look after you"

Kayla"No you go to work"

Nathan"Babe remember through sickness and in health i'm not leaving until your better"

Kayla"What about work"

Nathan"I'll tell Max that i'm looking after you"

Kayla"I love you"

Nathan"I know i love you too, i'm going to make you some tea"

I walked downstairs into the kitchen, i noticed a form so i read through it and it turned out to be a nursery form for Adam so i signed it to approve.

Max"Mate are you coming"

Nathan"Tell Jayne i can't come in today"

Max"How come"

Nathan"Kayla's not feeling too good i'm going to look after her"

Max"Ok bye"

With that Max and Jade left.

I made Kayla tea i also brought her tissues,paracetamol and some cough medicine.

Adam"Daddy where's mummy"

Nathan"Mummy's sick"

Adam"I'm going to make her a card"

Nathan"Take your sister with you"


I walked back in to find Kayla sitting up in bed so i handed her the tea,the paracetamol and the cough medicine.

Kayla"Thank you Nath"

Nathan"Your welcome"

After she took all of that she fell asleep so i decided to go downstairs to make some vegetable soup.

Nano"Shouldn't you be at work"

Nathan"I'm taking today off Kayla is sick"

Nano"Oh ok well i'm going to run some errands do you need anything done"

Nathan"Yeah could you hand this form in to the nursery 5 minutes away"

Nano"Ok i'll be back in an hour"

Nathan"See ya"

I was in the middle of making soup when Kayla's phone went off, it was Nikki.

Phone Conversation


Nikki"Hi Nathan is Kayla there"

Nathan"No she's in bed"

Nikki"Wow lazy"

Nathan"Actually she's ill"

Nikki"Oh sorry well could you tell her that Niall and the band are visiting Gloucester on tour tomorrow and were wondering if they could stay are your place for a few days"

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