Chapter 2

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Tord looked around the room wrapped in a cloud of alcohol and fatigue. He struggled to sit up in his bed as a new sweltering pain coated his arm and blood flowed from his self inflicted wounds. He assumed he passed out from blood loss and gripped his arm tight- too tight- in an effort to calm the angry cuts. He whimpered and collapsed feeling light headed.
A loud thump came from Tord's bedroom. Patryk and Paul both dove for the door handle. They broke orders and burst in worried and frantic.
They stared at Tord in surprise and horror as blood stained sheets came into view. Tord's arm was puffy and oozing dark red. He was lying on the floor near his bed. A knife stained with crimson lying on the side table. He was muttering something... Almost sobbing something to himself in his dazed state.
"I don't deserve anyone or anything. I should just die... Wouldn't it be easier for everyone if I were dead. " he cried to himself.
"They trusted me.
They trusted me

And I tried to kill them" he whispered in his drunken state.

Paul walked over to Tord and hugged him tight. He cradled him and whispered that everything would be okay. Patryk sat down next to them and placed a hand on Tord's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.
When Tord was calm enough, Paul scooped him up and carried him to the kitchen so they could apply bandages to his wounds.
As they cleaned the injuries they realized just how deep they were. Deep enough to kill.
When they were done Patryk carried Tord back to the bedroom and replaced the sheets while Paul did his best to remove anything sharp from the room.
And Tord slept...
No nightmares
No blood.
Peace washed over him like a warm bath.
For now.

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