Chapter 3

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Paul and Patryk were out grocery shopping.
"I don't remember shopping and catering to Tord's every need being in our job description." Patrick huffed, clearly annoyed.
"Well it's part of keeping him alive I suppose." Paul answered while chewing on his cigarette.
As they began their walk home, Paul leaned over and gently kissed his husband on the cheek. It was a short and sweet kiss. It was not often that they could indulge in such activities that normal couples engaged in.
Paul sighed.
As they approached the house, the thick aroma of smoke filled their noses and they both darted to the door. Paul reached for the doorknob and immediately recoiled, the beginnings of a burn appeared on his hand. Patryk and Paul ran to a window and looked inside only to see Tord lying on the ground next to the gas stove, a match in hand. Paul pulled out his gun and shot at the window so they could more easily shatter it.
As they ran inside, one of the rafters deteriorated and collapsed on top of Patryk. Patryk cried out in agony as the flaming wood seared his skin.
Paul screamed and pulled and pulled and PULLED to no avail. Patryk was trapped.
"Paul! Please get Tord first..." Patryk cried out between gasps for air. "If he dies we will both be killed."
Paul stared at his lover in horror and disbelief.
"Please!!! Paul...I-I love you." Patryk wheezed out before exploding into a loud coughing fit.
Paul realized the stakes and lunged for Tord, hoisting him off the ground and running as fast as he could albeit coughing and lack of oxygen. He crashed through the remaining fragments of what was once a window and tumbled to the ground
And breathed.
He turned around and just as he reached for the window pane it collapsed. He looked for other ways to get inside in a panic, running frantically around the house. Before he knew what was happening, a ringing filled his ears. An explosion?
Multiple things exploded.
The house defense.
Paul was thrown into the air and across the yard as if he weighed nothing at all.

He couldn't move.

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