Chapter 9

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Just as Tord turned to face the person whom the voice belonged to, he was knocked onto the floor. His head hit the ground with a resounding crack and he cried out.
"Tom! No!!!" He heard the now awake Edd scream.
Tord was flipped over to face his attacker. Cold black eyes stared at him, seemingly oozing with an anger that Tord simply couldn't grasp. No... This wasn't anger... It was hatred. A cold, burning hatred.
Tom lifted his arm, ready to propel it forward in a repeated and merciless motion, when Edd threw himself over Tord. Tom's fist made contact with the back of Edd's head.
Edd yelped and went limp on top of Tord. Realizing what he had just done, Tom backed away in horror, shaking his head monotonously. Tord sat up and hugged Edd to him, cradling him and shaking him gently. Tears flowed freely from Tord's eyes, burning as if made of fire as they rolled down his scarred face.
"Get out." Tord whispered angrily, still looking down at Edd. Tom didn't move. Tord stood up and carefully placed Edd on the couch. He took a step toward Tom.
"Get OUT!" He shouted. In one motion, he shoved Tom through the open door and slammed it. He turned the dial that locked the door and stood silently, listening to the erratic banging on the door until it ceased and he heard Tom mutter a series of curses under his breath. He pivoted around and walked over to his green hoodied friend.
    Out cold...
    Tord wiped his eyes with his sleeve to soak up any trace of the tears that left his face puffy and a darker shade of red than the usual bloody mess that he usually was.
    He went into the kitchen and filled a bag with ice, wrapping it in a rag and tying it off. He brought it to the living room  and placed it underneath the back of Edd's head, hoping to calm the bruise that was quickly forming.
    Tord laid down on the opposite side of the couch, staring up at the ceiling for an hour or so, before drifting into a dreamless sleep.
~AHHH I updated finally~

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