Chapter 11

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      Matt stood in the middle of the hallway with his arms flailing. Tom stumbled into the hallway, drunk and disoriented. "Is there a...*hic* fire? Or tormado or somefin?.." Tord peeked out of Edd's apartment to observe the chaos occurring the hallway. Matt was running in circles shouting for a meeting of sorts and Tom was sprawled out on the floor. Probably drunk. Tord shrugged and began to retreat back into the apartment. He heard a deafening screech. "TODD!"
     He was hoping to let Edd sleep a little longer...
    Matt burst through the door in a flurry of excitement.
"Hey Todd!!!"
     Matt gently shook Edd awake and then proceeded to scream for everyone to go to his apartment this instant. In about an hour, everyone was somewhat sitting on the couch in his apartment. Except for Tom... He was face-down on the coffee table. Matt initiated the family meeting.
    "Who needs tea? Wait... I don't know how to make tea. Uh...Edd can you make tea?"
      "No." Edd grunted. "Why'd you have to wake me up anyway? What's going on?"
     "We are having a FAMILY MEETING!" Matt placed his hands on his hips exasperatedly. "Okay.  You first Tom."
     "Okaaay... uhh... uh. Edd. I'm sorry for *hic* herting yer...face while tring to hert the fucking commie..." Tom hiccuped numerous times before continuing. "And commie... I'm sorry fer not givn you a chance befur tryin to hert yer face...'cause if Edd's willin' to gif you a chance then... I AM TOO, OKAY?!"
    "Okay Tom that's enough Smirnoff for you..." Edd snatched the bottle from him and handed it to Tord.
    Tord held the bottle and stared at it for a second remembering the last time he had encountered the alcohol... the burning and just waiting... waiting for the pain to dissipate. 
    "Uh... Tord? You okay?" Matt asked. The room had gone silent except for Tord's heavy breathing. Tord stopped and realized the quiet around him. He pulled himself from the couch and walked to the sink, pouring the toxic liquid down the drain.
    "HEY MY SMIRNOFF!" Tom shrieked.
    Tord stood there for a few seconds and then walked back to the couch.
    Matt patted him on the shoulder.
    "Would you like to share Tord?"
     Tord sat. He stared at each of the friends he had injured physically and emotionally and then turned his intense stare toward his clenched fists on his lap.
    "I... I'm sorry..." Tears pooled in his eyes. "I really am... I wish I hadn't ever hurt you... I know nothing I say could e-ever change it... I wish it could. I'm so sorry... I-I'm sorry.   IM SORRY." Tord threw his hands over his eyes face and began to shake.  "I want to take it all back... the lying... the faking... the secrets... the hurt and pain and trauma... I'm so sorry and I wish I could do and say more. I wish I could-" Someone placed a hand on his cheek. Tord uncovered his eyes and revealed his tear stained face. Tom wore a pained look and wiped a tear from Tord's cheek.
     Tord continued to shake  and pulled away. Tears rolled freely.
     "Tord... It's okay..." Tom was crying. "I...I forgive you."
    Tord fell into Tom's arms sobbing and felt safe... He felt safe. "Shh..." Tom whispered. Tord smelled the alcohol on Tom's breath and hoped to whatever god there was that when Tom woke up the next morning, he would remember this.
    Matt sat contently watching what he had always wanted... For everything to just be okay. Edd had curled up on the couch by Ringo and fallen asleep. Even he looked happy.
     Matt tapped Tord and Tom on the shoulders and gestured to the sleeping Edd. They all went into the hallway trying to process what just happened. Tord shuffled his feet a little and shoved his hands into his familiar hoodie pocket.
      "Do you guys... Uh...wanna watch Insane Zombie Pirates 5?..." He kicked at the carpet.
     "Nah... *hic* Already seen it." Tom replied
     "Oh..." Tord looked at the ground at a loss for ideas.
     "But we haven't seen..." Tom reached into his hoodie pocket. "INSANE ZOMBIE PIRATES 6!"
     Tord chuckled. "Do you just... carry that in your hoodie pocket?"
     "Yeah... It never hurts to be prepared." Tom grumbled sleepily.
    "Well... What are we waiting for??? Let's go!!!" Matt was already carrying popcorn into Edd's apartment. It was where they kept the T.V. .
     They all sat in front of the T.V. ... It finally felt normal again... Happy...
   Tord had passed out on Tom's shoulder.  He looked so peaceful... "It's gonna be okay." Tom whispered in Tord's ear before falling asleep to the sound of zombies growling and Matt nomming on popcorn.
~The end probably~ ?
Lovely wonderful editor: Autumn -the floof- •o•
So while I was writing this, I was at the end and my phone died and I almost had a heart attack and started screeching and then almost gave my friend a heart attack too because I was afraid it hadn't saved. AH I WAS SO TERRIFIED. But yeah. Thankehs Wattpad for saving it for me because I may have actually died and given up on everything so yeah.

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