Chapter 7

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    Tord walked down a narrow hallway. He was unsure of how he got here but it didn't seem to matter much. He approached a door in it. There were several doors but this one just seemed the most fitting... Even though it was identical to every other door.
     Apprehensively, he rotated the doorknob clockwise and peered inside. It was a rather dark room that appeared to contain nothing. He walked in and the door slammed shut.  Anxiety kicked in and he watched as the room around him began to change color and distort. Soon this mess of colors became an image.
A moving image.
     He watched as the vivid scene played out. Everyone laid unnaturally still on the ground. He recognized them immediately. He looked down and saw the metallic gleam of a knife in his hand. It was tainted by a scarlet that glimmered when the light hit it.
    Tord cried out as the knife fell from his hand. He stumbled backwards and felt himself drifting down.
Tord awoke in a cold metal room.
A cell? He attempted to sit up in vain and nearly cried out from the excruciating feeling. His whole body hurt.
An all to familiar face entered the room and stared at him coldly.
"Thought you could just off yourself. Eh, leader?" A malevolent smile crept onto the man's face. "It will never be that easy."
He grabbed the front of Tord's hoodie and Tord yelped out in pain from the sudden contact.
"Three cracked ribs and a broken arm. No permanent damage. You were lucky." The man added.
Tord stared at him in shock and fear as the man put pressure on his broken arm. Tears filled his eyes and he bit his tongue.
"Please stop..." Tord pleaded. The man smiled viciously.
"I think you forget sometimes, leader... Who's really in charge. You may be the face. The 'power'. But you're really just a child." The man continued putting pressure on Tord's injured arm. "Know your place. We need you alive... And just so you remember..." He began twisting Tord's arm and Tord writhed and screamed for him to stop.
The man stopped twisting and made his way towards the door.
"Remember that leader. I won't be so kind next time."
His name was Galileo. He was the mastermind behind all of the actual battle plans. Tord just made little inventions here and there and acted as the face of the whole thing.
As soon as Galileo left, Tord reached for his aching arm and cradled it in his hand. He had to get out of here. He didn't want this any more...
The thought of friends flooded his mind as he began to develop a plan.
When he heard the lock of his cell click open he knew exactly what it was for.
They wanted to keep him alive after all. The soldier carrying the food tray entered the room and Tord silently began to carry out his plan. He collapsed and tumbled out of his bed.
"Oh god." He heard the soldier say. The tray clunked to the floor and footsteps ran towards him. When the soldier reached out to feel his pulse, Tord jumped into action. He hit the soldier square in the jaw with his good arm.
Out cold. Tord thought to himself.
He crept towards the cell door and pushed it open. He checked both sides of the narrow hallway and sprinted down towards the nearest exit he knew of. Quickly, he made his descent down a long flight of stairs and pushed open the metal door.
The sun beamed down filling Tord with a lovely warmth as he made his way towards the fencing.
He jumped and began pulling himself up and over the fence with his unaffected arm when he heard shots being fired. His mind screamed for him to hurry as he fell over the fence and scrambled to his feet. He cringed as he ran, wheezing from the acute pain arising from his midsection.
Matt had just popped some popcorn and was walking to Edd's apartment to watch another terrible episode of "Professor Why" with Edd. Tom was out grocery shopping and they couldn't find anything else to do. When Matt sat down on the couch, the door bell rang.
"I'll get it!" Edd shouted from the other room.
Edd hurriedly opened his cola and scurried to open the door. He backed away slowly at seeing who the  unexpected visitor was.
"Please...Help me..." Tord wheezed.
Tord's vision began spotting and his body went limp. He suddenly felt warm arms scoop him up and carry him across the room. They set him on a soft bed and placed a blanket neatly over him.
That was the last thing he remembered.

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