Chapter 5

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Tord watched as Paul left the room and his knees felt weak. First he almost killed his friends and now Paul and Patrick...Tord buried his face in his hands and crumpled.
"Everyone who gets close to me gets hurt..."
Tord sobbed.
     His arms ached from carrying Paul and Patrick out of danger and blood spotted his bandages. He looked out the window with a longing...
An urge.
    He wanted to thrust himself through the glass... Feel the shards tear and rip his skin. He wanted to fall... fall...fall... With a permanent destination. He wanted to feel his body slam against the concrete shattering every bone in his body and he wanted that to be the end.
    Tord then switched his gaze to the bottle of unopened alcohol he placed on the counter.
He resisted the urge to down the whole bottle right there. Feeling the burning hot sensation in his throat once again. It was so inviting... The promise of rest... Rest for his mind even if it would only be until morning.
The promise of numb... Being devoid of feeling and experiencing a twisted sense of happiness.
Tord's self control reached its limit and he grabbed at the bottle, fumbling with the aluminum cap before ripping it off and allowing the intoxicatingly warm liquid cloud his senses and calm his mind.
Paul stood in the doorway, tears making their descent down his scarred face. His knees felt weak and he wanted to vomit.

Patrick's face was almost unrecognizable through the burns and scars that decorated it.
The words blended and mixed together in Paul's mind as he fell to his knees.
Paul watched Patrick as he slept. Only realizing then that something wasn't right. Patrick wasn't sleeping... His body did not rise and fall with breathing.
It didn't move at all.
Paul panicked and scrambled up to check for the ever present drumming beneath his skin. It was there, but it was so light... So light it almost didn't exist. It slowed and slowed and suddenly Paul couldn't feel it at all.
He heard screaming.
It was so loud.
As he lost consciousness he understood the screaming was his own.

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