Chapter 11 - Secrets Revealed.

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~Ally's POV;~

The old Forbes jail cell is the perfect place for a violent interrogation. Alexandria, the dark and selfish version of myself, sits unconscious with her wrists and ankles tied around the arms and legs of the chair in the center of the room. Katherine stands in the corner, hidden amongst the dark shadows, to which she folds her arms across her chest in observation. "I need to know what allows her to walk in the sunlight." I state calmly whilst tightening the shackles around Alexandria's wrists as I speak. "Do you you know what piece of jewellery it is?" My gaze moves to Katherine, my mentor and guidance for this sort of thing, and as she pulls away from the wall her eyes move to Alexandria's wrist. "Underneath the shackle on her right hand is a bracelet with a pendant." She informs confidently, her voice filled with certainty. "Her mother gave her that exact pendant at birth; it was supposedly full of power and protection. At the time Alexandria thought that was a load of meaningless crap, but I'm guessing she adapted to the idea. When I turned her she must have hooked it onto a bracelet, and harnessed the power from her pendant to daylight spell it." Her sly smile may communicate a lack of care, but from the look in her eyes it is easy to tell that she's reminiscing on a time when they were once best friends. Following what Katherine has told me I very quickly locate Alexandria's bracelet with the pendant shaped like overlapping leaves; it looks Celtic. Eagerly I remove the bracelet and put it on my own wrist, knowing fully well that this will aggravate Alexandria, and the thought of that inspires the grin on my face to return. "Nice touch." Katherine comments from the side, her voice sounding impressed and amused. "She'll hate that." I'm hoping so. She's made me suffer. Now, it's her turn to. Urgent to get this interrogation in motion I walk over to the chain by the back wall which as told to me by Sheriff Forbes, acts as a roller to the blinds covering the small window above. Time to wake up, Alexandria. Amongst a swift tug of the chain, the blinds shudder open, sending rays of sunlight bursting into the darkness of this cell. Alexandria suddenly jolts forward and screams in agony, whilst the chair holds her in place and I merely stand and watch with fascination from behind. Her skin burns violently as she cries out in pain, and as much as I care about other people I can't help but watch her suffer a little longer for what she has done to me in the past. Just as Alexandria's porcelain skin begins to bruise and sizzle I tug on the chain once more, closing the blinds and blocking the daylight from penetrating inside of the cell any further. Alexandria droops in the chair, panting heavily as her skin starts to heal itself from the burns, to which I then quietly move closer from behind. "Who are you?" Alexandria groans with weakness and discomfort, her head bowed down in defeat. "Why are you doing this?" Amused by her question I take a stake from my duffel weapon bag then stand behind her, intent on getting answers and getting payback. "If I was to say you've tortured my life and made it hell," I explain calmly, with my hand firmly tight around the stake as I continue. "I don't think that would even give you the faintest idea as to who I am. I'm sure you've ruined a lot of lives over the centuries." Alexandria releases a tired laugh as she shrugs her shoulders and answers with a sinister sense of pride "I learned from the best."

"So did I." I argue threateningly, whilst my eyes regard Katherine's presence for a second; she's my mentor. Supernatural beings controlled my life, and they forced fear to pump through my veins, but after learning from Katherine that 'strength comes from inside, not from what species you are' I refuse to surrender to the monsters of Mystic Falls any longer.

In seconds I finally reach round the chair, grabbing Alexandria's neck and forcing her to look up at my face. "It's like looking into a mirror, right?" I ask amongst a bitter smile, feeling adrenaline and power flood through my veins whilst I speak. "A very broken, dysfunctional mirror." Alexandria is suddenly furious, her eyes filled with frustration and her jaw now clenched at the sight of me standing over her. She pushes violently against her chains and snaps under her breath "How are you-" "Alive?" I intervene with an irritated grin, raising my eyebrows at her disappointment whilst I proceed. "Well, no thanks to you, but your friend Clarissa did a little revival spell, and after some witchy woo woo here I am... You mad?" Alexandria shifts her face from out of my grasp, moving her aggravated gaze to the floor as I walk around the chair to face her. "Well, your boyfriend practically gave me your neck to snap, so-" She argues through an amused laugh, looking back up at me as she turns the tables back. "You mad?" The Wrova rage ignites inside of my blood, after it being dormant for a short while, and it takes everything inside of me not to stake her right here, right now.

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