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Hi! author here. sorry it took me so long to update it. im really busy! so I hope you understand. hope you continue to read my story and vote! thanx!


I wake up to a beeping sound and quickly opened my eyes. Surrounding me was B2ST who looked so concerned with me. "What happened?" I asked, as i sat up only to find that i was in a hospital. I looked at B2ST'S faces confused. I noticed that Yoseob was holding onto my left hand, while Junhyung was holding onto my right. "You fainted while you were crying and We had to bring you here." Doojoon told me. "So what really happened?" Gikwang asked me. I started to tell them everything when right when i told them about me not having a place to live, a doctor came in. "Ah, yes. The popular idol Miss. TH3RTY. Well we havenoticed that for the passed few months you have been through alot of stress is that ture?" the doctor asked me. I quickly nodded my head and B2ST looked at me, confused.


"Oppa, what are you up to?" I asked oppa. "Well im cooking you some food so you better go and study! Your exams are coming soon!" Oppa said pushing me out the kitchen. 'All oppa wants is for me to get good grades! I don't want to be a accountant! I want to be a singer!' i thought to myself as i went back to my room. I quickly closed my door thought 'I don't want to study!'. I quickly grabbed my lyric book and started to create a sad song about my life. Then i heard our doorbell ring. "oppa!" I heard this girl say. "(Your name)! come down! i need you to meet someone!" i heard oppa call for me. I quickly shut my lyric book and put it back on my shelf. I run down the stairs only to find a girl hugging onto oppa tightly. "(Your name), This is my girlfriend. We have been dating for 1 mounth now." I oppa told me. "Okay." I said and went back to my room. "I don't think she like me." I heard oppa's girlfriend say right when i closed my door. I put on my headphones and started to study.

~2 hours later full of studying/and listening to music~

I suddenly remembered that oppa had made me lunch. I silently went down to the kitchen only to find Oppa and his girlfriend alll lovey dovey. I quickly didn't want to be in the house anymore. I left the house and went out to find a resturant. After eating i noticed that i found this building with a poster saying 'CUBE ENTERTAINMENT HAS A AUDITION SOON! COME IN TO FILL IN A FORM!' I entered the building. I felt eyes looking at me and turned around only to find that it was this boy group. I noticed that there was someone looking at me and he seemed familiar. But i quickly walked up to the front desk and quickly filled up a form.

~6 hours later~

'Oppa's girlfriend should be gone now' I thought to myself as i enter my house. I slowely went up to my room. I quickly took a short shower and thought 'I guess i would need to do that in order to not give any pressure to oppa' as i fell asleep.


"So you and your brother are fine now?" The doctor asked me. I nodded and he said to B2ST "TH3RTY has had this problem in the past due to the stress she has. She can't be in too much stress or else she will break down just like today. After each break down. she will need 1 day or rest. Who is she now living with?" The doctor asked us. "She is living with..."Doojoon trailed off. "US!" Yoseob, said confusing all of us. "I told them." Yoseob whispered to me. I gave him a small nod and the doctor asked me "Is that true Miss TH3RTY?" i gave him a nod and he said "She can go back home now." and the doctor left the room.

I slowely climbed out of the hospital bed and felt a bit dizzy. I felt myself being swooped into someones arms. I look up and sw that it was Junhyung-oppa. "You will be fine." I heard Junhyung tell me as we entered the van. "You won't be able to practice for tomorrow so we will just drive you to the dorm." Subin told me and we all replied with a yes.


"WELCOME BACK TO OUR DORM!!!' Hyunseung said as Junhyung carried be inside. "Junhyung-oppa, you can put me down now. I feel better." I said and Junhyung-oppa put me down. I followed Hyunseung and he pretened to be a tour guide, showing everything inside their dorm. "And last but not least! OUR BEDROOM!" Hyunseun saidwhlie flopping on one of the beds. Inside was 6 bunkbeds all side to side. "Just like last time i guess Junhyung and (Your name) will sleep together." Yoseob said with a sigh. "Well lets all wash up and go to sleep today is a very tiring day." Doojoon said. "But i don't have any clothes to wear to sleep." I said and immediately they knew that i still had to get my clothes from my oppa's house. "We will get them tomorrow, since we all have a small break, and we want to meet your oppa and his girlfriend." B2ST told me. "You can wear Yoseobs clothes since he is the smallest and they might fit you." Doojoon said while snikering. "HEY!" yoseob said and slapped Doojoon playfully.

~1 Hour later~

I was the first one finished and i was waiting for B2ST to finish up showering. I was lying on Junhyungs bed half asleep when i heard someone enter the room. I sat up only to find Gikwang shirtless and he was rubbing his wet hair to be dry. "GIKWANG!" I SCREAMED! and Gikwang quickly looked at me. "WHOOPS! I FORGOT THAT YOU ARE NOW LIVING WITH US!" he said trying talk to me over my screaming. "WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!" Yoseob yelled as he came running in, and ran to me and held onto me tightly. "Nothing, it's just Gikwang came out of the shower... shirtless." I said as i stopped yelling and started to blush. "Well now im wearing a shirt! Is that better?" Gikwang said, also blushing. And he left the room. "What was all that yelling?" I heard Junhyung ask as he entered the room also shirtless, since he just came out of the shower. "It's nothing." Yoseob said, giving up on protecting me from the shirtless people in the house. "Yoseob, its your turn." Junhyung said as he slipped on a shirt.

When Yoseob left the room, junhyung came and sat beside me. "so how does it feel to live with us now?" he asked. "its fun. I guess..." I replied still thinking about my brother. "well its time for you to go to sleep. we already told subin that you would need to take a day off and she agreed. I also took the day off tomorrow so I can take care of you. so just relax." junhyung said and turned off the light and I quickly said " saranghaeyo oppa~" and fell into a deep sleep. and the last thing I heard was "saranghaeyo (your name) but..." and the door closed

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