Chapter Seven

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:) here you go people.



There was a metallic crunch.


There was the sound of breaking bones.


There was a hum of lightning.

Everything seemed to go by so quick that there isn't anything I can do to stop it. All of sudden, there was a car. And then, then there was pain. But, then there was something else.

My stomach filled with heat that travels throughout my entire body, reaching up into my arms. My eyes close and it's as if everything in the world fades into nothing, nothing but my body, and whatever is inside me. It's something inexplicable. Something I cannot begin to put to words.

It's as if all of the air has been sucked from my lungs, and there is nothing one can do to stop the inevitable. It's a build up, something within me is trying to escape, to release, to explode.

Let's do something fun, a voice in my head says. My whole body shakes and all I feel is heat. There we go, darling.

So here I stand staring up at a shield of sorts, something that I can't explain even if I tried. Just like in my dreams, there was a hum, and then there was lightning. They say there is beauty in danger, but this is pure power, raw and real.

Calliope looks at me with her mouth cracked open a little as the wall of lightning crushes the car. Beautiful blue, shocking white. A smile makes its way to my face and it's as if the wind picks up around us, sending my hair flying all around me.

Impact. It can mean so many things, but in this moment there's nothing to describe the panic that I feel. There's nothing that I can do to hide, and I don't even know exactly what I'm hiding from. And then I look at the car crushed beneath the beautiful blue ebbs of light that seem to shine even brighter than the sun, and I see Reid's turquoise eyes staring back at me open so wide that they seem to protrude from his face. His face is covered in what I can only imagine is blood. It's in this moment that fear begins to make its way through my body, climbing, and coursing so fast through my veins.

It only took a matter of seconds. But, it seems like time is moving at snails pace. In an instant, the lightning fades, dissipates, and disappears into nothing. There's a jolt of power that steadily flows from my hands, and I don't know what to do. It is as if my feet are glued to the ground, my eyes are stuck open, and I cannot speak, I cannot breathe.

Calliope mutters something under her breath and I hear a gentle melody escaping her soft lips, her voice is entrancing and beautiful- like a siren's call:

Time is a wondrous thing,

Close thine eye,

Open thy heart and your worries shall fade,

Believe in the world, believe in the light,

And truth shall conquer us all,

Gods of Time close thy eye,

Rest your weary head.

Her voice seems to trace through the air so softly that it is as though time begins to slow and where before I saw Reid's mouth moving so quick and angrily, there is only a slow-motion picture in place. Yet, while everything else seems to slow- the birds, the wind, the voice- Calliope and I turn swiftly to each other.

"There is no time to explain." She grabs my arm roughly tugging my wrist and I wince in pain for a moment. "We have to fix this."

"Fix what!"

My heart is racing, beating a million miles a minute and I don't quite know how to comprehend what I'm seeing, could this really be true? No. I've made the decision in my mind already, I'm dreaming.

I tug my hand back angrily. "What is going on?" My voice is above a whisper as I look around. Time has frozen still, as if stuck in time, and by what? A voice. A person. Human? Couldn't be.

This is crazy, I think as I shake my head and pace back and forth. Calliope's face begins to turn red as anger fills her apple shaped cheeks. "Now is not the time! We have to fix this before they remember, if the memories are solidified we're going to be screwed! Hurry."

I feel dizzy. "You have to explain this, this isn't something you can just poof away! Explain this. Now! Who are you?"

She twirls around and her eyes gleam golden. "Who I am is not important right now, Adaline. What is important is that a mortal has seen your gifts."

My mouth drops. The edges of my eyes feel hazy, and my lungs tighten and burn. "A mortal? What in the world is that supposed to mean?"

"You're panicking, and we don't have time for this. I'm sorry it had to happen this way, but I need your help. I cannot reverse time on my own," her voice echoes through the air again, and the power I felt before return.

This has to be a mistake.

This can't truly be happening.

It's a figment of my imagination.

And then, she grabs my hand, places it in hers and closes her eyes tightly. Everything begins to fade backwards. Everything except us, and as she sings a melody I cannot begin to remember, time reverses.

The birds, they fly backwards. The lightning reappears and then dissipates. The huge dent in the car begins to reform, as if nothing has happened. And then I feel a hand on my head, and see sorry eyes staring down at me.

"I'm sorry," she whispers. "But, you're not ready yet."

Before I can fathom what she's trying to do, I look around. The sky is bright, there is not a cloud in the sky. Everything is so eerily still. This can't be real. It simply can't. But, it is.

Out of the corner of my eye I see something move in the trees surrounding us. A figure. I try to focus, but it's as if my sight begins to fail and I can barely see Calliope in front of me, her hands are moving a million miles a minute.

I'd seen enough to recognize the figure. Dark hair. Tall, muscular body. I'd recognize him anywhere. Just as the name pops in my head I feel my body go limp. Then there's nothing, nothing but pain, nothing but sorrow, nothing but nostalgia.

And I'm out cold.



But, it's all gone.

Hey people,

Hope you guys loved this chapter as much as I do :)

Let me know what you think! Who's your favorited character???

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