Chapter Fourteen

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Warning: unedited


Staring at the ceiling of a room is not something I busy myself with often, but, right now, it's the only thing that I can do to keep myself from breaking down and crying. What has this world come to?

We hadn't called the police. God, I don't know why we didn't call the police. Or, rather, I did know, but couldn't admit it to myself. There are simply things in this world that cannot be explained, cannot be fathomed. This, unfortunately, happens to be one of them.


He's in the bathroom right now cleaning up the evidence. A boy I should have never let anywhere near me again, this never would have happened. I'm tempted to look down at my hands, but I know it'll only hurt more.

He was a boy I swore to hate forever, with every ounce of my being. A boy that I knew would only bring trouble to my already miserable life. For god's sake, I'd been in a car crash, twice, and now I've been attacked in my own home. This isn't normal, this isn't right, this is most definitely wrong.

Yet, there is something within me telling me that this is more than meets the eyes. That the boy who has been teased, taunted, and ridiculed for so many years isn't all that he seems to be. I'd known him once. Maybe, maybe I still know him now.

I don't know what he did with the bodies, I'd never seen him leave the house. I would have heard such movements, the bodies colliding harshly with the stairs, the sound of blood gushing from their wounds. All I know is that as I stand up, I'm greeted with blue eyes and a steady hand, easing me back down on the bed.

I don't look at him. I look anywhere else. I look at the pictures of Lucas and I happily eating ice cream, ice cream that I had, just moments later, shoved in his face. I look at the forest, the rain pelting the ground, and, lastly, I look at the entirety of my room. I scan it. Nothing is out of the ordinary. If it weren't for the memories, we could pretend as if this never happened. Yet, I know that isn't an option, that something has been changed forever. Again.

Twice in my life now has this boy been the cause of an earth shattering change. Something that I would never forget.

"Hey," he says, his voice shaking a little. I'd never really heard fear in his voice, not as much as I heard it now. I can only assume it's fear of what I'm going to do next. Will I freak out? Will I try and run away? Will I hurt him?

No. No, you won't, the voice in my head remarks thoughtfully. "Hi," I whisper not daring to stare anywhere but his piercing blue eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm not as fragile as you may think Damien."

For a few moments there is nothing but silence, nothing but the sound of our breathing. "What happened to the bodies?"

Damien looks down at his hands as if considering how to answer me, thoughtfully forming a respectable answer in his head. "They're gone, turned to dust, it won't be a problem anymore."

"What happens next?"

He shrugs. "I'm not entirely sure. We take it one step at a time."

Sighing, I shake my head. "That's not good enough. I'm going to need an explanation."

"I know," he says. Damien makes no move to open his mouth. It was as if something stopped him from even looking in my direction, even for a moment. Just as his head veers towards me, my phone buzzes.

Blondie, where the hell have you been? I'm coming over, be there in five.

Panic sends a wave of heat coursing through my veins. "Lucas is coming, you need to leave."

He shakes his head firmly. "I can't leave you, they know where you are now."

"Who knows where I am?"

"You simply don't understand the danger you and I are both in. I can't leave you, not even for a moment," his voice is hard, there won't be any negotiating.

I pull hard on the ends of my hair. He still hasn't given me an explanation. I have nothing to go off of, and with Lucas on his way I can only imagine the chaos that is about to ensue.

Looking at the dark haired boy sitting on my bed, shirtless and with hair flying in every which way, I know this is about to get nasty. "Go into my father's room and take one of his shirts. Brush your hair and go sit on the couch downstairs. When Lucas leaves, you're explaining this all to me. And," I add as I stand, "you're going to teach me how to fight, I'll be dammed if I have to rely on you for everything."

"Dully noted, Princess." Winking as he walked through the door, Damien tosses one last look over his shoulder before receding into the dark corridor.

Being alone with one's darkest thoughts are a scary thing, but standing in the middle of a room that used to be your sanctuary turned dark leads one to think that there is nowhere safe in this world. And, I don't even know what I'm running from.

Yet, I have to pull myself together, at least for a couple of hours.

Within what seemed like seconds, there was a knock at the door. Before I could get there Damien had already opened it, and staring with wide eyes and a slack jaw, was Lucas.

In that moment, I knew that last night was a piece of cake compared to what was about to happen.

Hey peeps,

totally been AWOL for a while, but I is back, sorta. I mean uni is kicking my ass so updated are gonna be pretty spread out. I'll try to make them longer than this so that when I do post them, you'll have more to read.

Thanks for understanding,

love maria

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