Chapter Sixteen Part Two

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Hey people,

I'm so sorry for not publishing anything for a really long time but I just wrote this new chapter and I hope that you like it. Since I haven't written in a while there are probably mistakes and I forget a little of what's happened. Bare with me people,


Three Weeks Later:

I'd spent the past three weeks learning about what had become my new world. My grades began to slip as more and more of my time became devoted to honing my skills, but the boys were protective and wouldn't let me use any of my natural given powers. Not while they were still out, searching for me, waiting for me to reveal myself again.

Since the attack, it had been silent. As time went on, I knew that it was only a matter of time before they came back, but I'd be prepared. It was not uncommon for people of my abilities to have a natural gift for combat. But, over the past few weeks I'd grown to let my body do most of the work, relax my mind, and simply let go. It was working.

As I sat in class, looking around at the faces I used to spend so much time analyzing, I realized that there had always been something different with me. I never in a million years would have thought I'd be the daughter of a Greek God, but there was always something within me. As I strived to fit into a world I would never be a part of, not truly, I was fooling myself. Filling my life with boys, alcohol, and lattes. It was never about truly being normal- it was about the feeling of normalcy.

My phone buzzed.

Class was almost over, and Dad was still out of town. Nothing had changed on that front, he was still MIA. The only thing that had really changed was my relationship with the boys and most importantly, Calliope. While most things in my life had altered, my relationship with her was the best thing to change.

Blondie, I'm sorry I can't make our lesson today, Damien is going to take over for now,

Xoxo, Lucas.

I shake my head and let out a sigh as I stare out the window looking up at the dark clouds beginning to form in the once bright blue sky. He'd been flaking more and more lately and I couldn't help but think it was my fault. My fault for letting Damien back into my life, for letting those dashing blue eyes capture me once again. But it was complicated, there had always been something between the two of us and tragedy has only brought us further together. With each passing moment I feel more connected to him, and it's as if there is something tethering our souls together- something inexplicable.

I don't bother responding- there's nothing for me to say anymore. Things were changed, and I either would change along with it, or I'd be swept up by the storm.

"Adaline? May I have a word."

I look up to see my soccer coach standing in the doorway looking at me with a hardened expression and I knew that this was my moment to tell her that I just couldn't keep playing. There were too many things going on, between training and my fast dropping grades something had to give.

I nod, collect my things, and follow her into the hallways. Looking at the lockers lining the halls, paintings from the younger grades, and a few students littering the hallways it was hard to believe that this had once been so important to me. I play with the ends of my hair and look at her with a firm gaze before speaking, "I know what you're going to say. That I've been irresponsible, missed too many practices, but in all honesty, I just don't think that my head is in the game anymore..."

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