Chapter Eleven

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Warning: Unedited. Creepiness.


          "Something wicked this way comes"

                                           -Shakespeare, Macbeth

As I sit on the couch in the living room, I can hear it. The deafening sounds of the outdoors. A storm had begun to brew as soon as school had finished, there are extreme weather alerts flooding the radio and television. And, even though I've closed the blinds, locked the door, and turned the Tv up all the way, I can still hear the sound. The trees shaking, the water hitting the concrete, the thunder rattling the ground.

I've been curled up on the couch since I got home, there isn't anything else to do. Lucas couldn't come over; his mother wouldn't let him. It's not that I blame her, not really, just that I would rather not be alone right now. I simply hate this feeling. This feeling of being isolated, in a house that once held love, is now filled with emptiness.

Images flash on the screen, but I'm not paying them any attention. My mind begins to pace at a million miles a minute, I can't think straight. Everything has become a complete mess. Everything with Reid is so messed up, and I don't miss him. Only, then, everything had been normal. Whatever normal truly means.

I fiddle with the ends of the blanket my mother had made herself, back when she wasn't consumed with sorrow, a sorrow that she didn't know consumed us all. My eyes begin to fill with tears, my throat closes, but I squeeze my eyes shut tightly and ball my hands into fists- the tears subside.

You're done crying Adaline, stop being such a goddamned baby, I think to myself angrily. Yet, these thoughts don't stop the pang of misery that travels through my body. Except, this time, I shove it into the deepest parts of my subconscious. Ridding myself of it, for now.

I jump as my phone buzzes, taking a deep breath I shake my head. "Hello?"


The voice on the other line isn't who I'd expected. It isn't Lucas checking up on me, but a deeper, huskier voice on the other end. And he sounded nervous. "How did you get my number?"

"That isn't important," he says softly. I can only imagine his bottom lip quivering as it always does when he's scared, or cold.

I shake my head and tap my leg with my fingers, then running them trough my hair. "And, what is it, exactly, that you need?"

"I'm stuck outside," he whispers. My body freezes, he's called for help. "I'm drenched, cold, and I think I've become a wet rat, so please Dearie."

All of the different scenarios rush through my head, and I can't help but think that this is a terrible idea. I should just leave him in the rain; he'd be fine. But, then there was that little voice in my head again, telling me that I couldn't be so cruel. My mind is screaming at me to leave him there; he doesn't need my help. He could call anyone else, there must be some other option. Though, I know, I've already made up my mind.

I pause. "Where are you?"


I'm soaked. My hair is plastered, unattractively I might add, against my face, and as if that's not the worst part, I'm in the middle of nowhere. I'm in the middle of nowhere waiting for a boy. I should be still sitting snugly on my couch with some tea, and a good book. But no, Adaline likes to be a fucking idiot half of the time.

I'm parked at the south end of town, near the entrance of the forest. There's barely a phone signal out here, and I don't know if the line will hold even if I do call him. Fog sets along the windows of the car and I can barely see my headlights through the rain. It's a complete white out.

I've never been the most patient person, so sitting here, tapping my fingers against the steering wheel, isn't the idea way to spend my time.


I let the phone ring, it's Lucas. I immediately feel bad, but am jolted out of my feelings when the door to the car swings open and down sits a very wet, very out of breath, very good looking boy. My heart beats hard against my chest, and I curse myself for feeling it.

"Took you long enough, Sweetheart," he grins widely and winks at me.

I turn the engine on, put the car in reverse, and give him a glare. "I've been here for ten minutes."

His blue eyes seem to sparkle. I tear my gaze away- focus on the road, it's too dangerous to be staring. He rests his arm on the window and settles with his hand on his chin, staring out into the darkness.

"We're going back to your house." It isn't a question; he's not asking to come over. Normally, I'd be angry. But, there was something about the desperation in his voice that made my doubts dissipate. This is the allure of him, this is the reason I don't let myself be around him, because when he is there- I bow at his every word.

I shrug. "I guess."

He nods. "Adaline?"

Turning, I look at him for only a moment, it was all I need to see the pain reflected in his eyes. "Damien?"

He shakes his head and cracks a small smile, thunder sounds. "I was just thinking something. Don't worry about it though, Darling."

Pitter- patter. The sound of the rain.

Boom. The sound of thunder.

Crack. A flash of lightning.

As we pull up to my house, I look at the light I'd left on. Then, I look at Damien. It's in that moment that I realize he's clutching his arm, cradling it against his chest. Our eyes meet. "What's wrong?"

"I'm okay," he says softly. Except, I knew that voice, I knew that face, I know those eyes, and I also knew that something is definitely not okay. Ushering him quickly into the warmth of the house, I move his arm away from his body.

His face scrunches up in a grimace and his mouth forms a thin line, as if fighting off the pain.

My eyes widen.

                                                                                                               Then, I saw red.


Hey again,

Phew two in one day, yeah I'm writing chapter 16 rn, so I figured I'd be nice and give you guys a little extra.

So we're nearing an important part of the story, it's obvious that Adaline knows that there are things at play.

What do you think about her decision to get Damien? How do you think he was injured?

Comment, Vote, and Share.

~ Maria

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