Chapter Fifteen

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Warning: Unedited ~

There were moments in life where you wish you could disappear, sometimes it's from nothing really. It's just a feeling that you get when you're left alone with your thoughts. That is exactly what I'm feeling right now. Helpless, as if there isn't anything that I can do to alter the reality set before me.

Except, I'm not really alone. I'm never alone anymore. Always watched by someone.

I couldn't tell you who that someone is, because that would require my own knowledge, which I most definitely seems to lack. All I know in this moment is that there is a sickly feeling in my chest, as if something was weighing down on me heavily making it so that I cannot breathe, speak, or move.

I stand with the door cracked open, a set of eyes in front of me waiting for me to speak, and a body beside me standing perfectly and completely still.

"You realize that I can't help you any more," Lucas whispered softly under his breath as he moved into the house, lines of worry evident on his beautiful face. "You've forced my hand."

"Luke," Damien says harshly as he motions to the other boy. I eye them both and shake my head.

"No more secrets," I say as I follow them into the kitchen. There is a tension in the room that eminated off them in waves of stress and worry. The sunlight shining in through the window is not enough to lighten the mood and we're stuck in a perpetual silence for what seems like eternity.

Damien runs a hand through his dark hair and fiddles with his finger nails, a habit that he's seemed to develop in recent days. "The thing is, we can't tell you."

Lucas is pacing the kitchen and tapping the counter in threes. Tap. Tap. Tap. "Fuck the rules Damien, how are we going to help if she doesn't know?"

"There are ways around it, we just need to show her."

Watching them only raises more questions, for once they aren't at each other's throats. The tension that they've created isn't directed at anyone, let alone each other. It's a mutual worry. I cock my head to the side and frown. "Then show me, I'm done being helpless. There's something different about me and I know that. Damien," I turn to my mysterious boy and sigh, "just show me. After the other night not much can shock me. If you're scared that I'm going to run away then don't be. I'm not scared and I'm not as fragile as you think."

Lucas stops and stares at the ceiling. "You don't understand. This isn't just your life. It's all of ours."

"I can't help if I don't know what's going on Lucas. So either you tell me, or..."

Is there really anything I can do if they refuse? It isn't like I can beat the crap out of them. They've definitely got the upper hand in the current situation. 

Damien's jaw clenches and his hands ball into fists. Closing his eyes, he turns to the door and nods at the both of us. "I don't care if they kill me as long as she's safe." Lucas opens his mouth to protest but instead simply rubs his hard jawline and follows sluggishly.

"I don't want any of you to get hurt," I say as we reach the edge of the forest. There is something different about it this time, something brooding. As if there were some dark cloud above following the three of us even though there is not a cloud in the sky. 

They exchange a glance, as if speaking to each other. 

"Just shut up and follow us, Blondie," Lucas says shaking his head and stepping into the thick wood. The sounds of the birds flying above and tiny animals scurrying across the ground isn't enough to calm my growing nerves.

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