4 > group chat

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liberty bell
Knock knock

mama scar
Who's there?

Idk but it can't be Liberty because she doesn't come around anymore

liberty bell


Truth hurts

papa renner
Okay, let's chill

liberty bell
No, it's okay I deserved it,I guess

mama scar
Okay, did you guys get the saltiness out
of your system?


mack attack
I just miss you Libby

baby olsen
So do I, it's not Libby & Lizzie without my Libby :-((((((((

liberty bell
I miss you guys tooso much and so does
Ashton, he keeps asking me about "Uncle Seb"

sea bass
I'm the chosen one :'-)

liberty bell
And then he asks where daddy is

papa renner
What do you tell him?

liberty bell
Nothing, I distract him.Speaking of baby daddies, how is he?

sea bass
He's engaged to the wicked witch of the west, how do you think he is?

mama scar
What sebastian meant to say was that he is terrible

liberty bell

Oh totally

liberty bell
He's happy, isn't he?

They're talking about moving the wedding up

liberty bell
To when?

mama scar
This year....

liberty bell
Oh wow

But we won't go if you don't want us to

liberty bell
What? No, you guys should go it's me he hates,
not you :-)

mama scar
He doesn't hate you

liberty bell
Really cause I remember the last thing he said
to me was basically "I don't love you, get out of my life."

sea bass
He didn't mean that, Libby. You know that he's
not himself.

papa renner
Exactly. He loves you.

liberty bell
You're wrong. He used to love me.

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