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girl power

baby olsen
hold the fuck up why the fuck did you not tell us that you are dating THE james king

liberty bell
because it's not a big deal???

baby olsen
it's a huge deal

mama scar
a HUGE deal

liberty bell

baby olsen
HES LITERALLY THE most gorgeous man to ever walk this earth

mama scar
I agree

liberty bell
you guys are over reacting
we're like in the beginning stages of dating

mama scar
has he met ashton ??

baby olsen
that's like the ultimate commitment

liberty bell
no i haven't
but i will

baby olsen
that's your choice, but just be careful
chris was telling me about how much
he misses you

liberty bell
shut up

mama scar
she's not kidding
i was there, minka was annoyed with me cause i kept telling him to call you

baby olsen
it's true, she really has no chill
she started calling you on his new phone but you didn't answer

liberty bell
oh is that why i have like 6 missed calls from an unknown number

mama scar
that was me :-))))))

baby olsen
she's no chill scarlett now

mama scar
i've always been no chill scarlett

liberty bell
accurate, okay i have to go i have a date

mama scar
okay, be careful

baby olsen
use protection
no wait
don't use protection
that'd be such a cute baby

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