27 > group chat

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rdj added hemsworth, mack attack, sea bass and papa renner to the chat

rdj named the chat

dad protection squad!

Um, hello?

Why did chris post that picture of you?

papa renner
Did you two spend the night together?

Excuse me?

sea bass
Not you the other chris

Oh you mean that less handsome chris
That's what we'll call him

Mack attack
Nows not the time to roast chris

sea bass
Besides he can't even see the roast so it doesn't count

Since when are there rules to roasting someone

Did you guys just forget why we're here

Papa renner
You guys have the attention span of flies

sea bass
Aw, you think we're fly?

We think you're cool too, jer

papa renner
I hate you all

Should I go?

Oh, you stay right where you are young lady.

papa renner
What we're you thinking, spending the night with someone else's husband.

Well, he's not married yet.

Shut up.

Chris does have a point.

Thank you.

You're welcome, less handsome Chris.


sea bass
So what was Chris doing at your hotel this morning?

He spent the night.

papa renner
Oh my god.

Okay, I'll do damage control.
Where to start?

mack attack
If you dye your hair and said you did it yesterday, no one will think it's you anymore!

papa renner
Okay, that's one idea.
Any better ones?

sea bass
Literally any idea would be better

Ugly Chris, could just delete the picture?

Oh, what picture are you going to delete?

Little shit.
We're trying to help you.

Nothing happened.
He literally slept on the couch.
No naughty active here, kids.
Besides my son was literally in the room.

Are you sure?

sea bass
What do you mean is she sure?

papa renner
I mean, we all know what drunk Liberty is like.

I'm offended.

Well you do get all sexual when you're drunk.

No, I don't.

mack attack
Yes, you do.

And you get really emotional.

I do not.

sea bass
Last time you were drunk you cried when you ran out of green skittles.

Cause those are the best kind.

Everyone knows the red skittles are the best kind.

papa renner
I prefer the purple ones.

mack attack
Ugh, only you Jeremy.

Anyways, is this over?
Cause I've got Netflix to watch?

It's over. As long as you swear that nothing happened.

sea bass
Swear on the one of us you love the most.

That's just going to break your hearts.
I'm not here for that.

It will break your hearts.
Cause it's me.

I mean, sure.
But I swear.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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