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baby olsen
Hey, Libby. Can we talk?

liberty bell
Of course, I always have time for you.

baby olsen
It's about Chris.

liberty bell

baby olsen
He keeps asking about you.

liberty bell

baby olsen
He wanted to know how you're doing.

liberty bell
What he can't  just unblock my number and ask me himself?

baby olsen
He thinks that you hate him.

liberty bell
Why? Not that I don't have a good reason not to.

baby olsen
Because he thinks you should.

liberty bell
I probably should.

baby olsen
But you don't?

liberty bell
Of course not.

baby olsen
Why not? Not that I want you to hate him, I'm
just curious.

liberty bell
Because he's the father of my child and he was my best friend. I loved him.

baby olsen

liberty bell
I'm with James, now. And I'm happy.

baby olsen
Are you though?

liberty bell
Yes. Of course I am.

baby olsen
Okay, cause that's all I want.

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