Chapter 6

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I was in the kitchen preparing the best mac and cheese I could with my culinary abilities, since nobody can take more than four days lunching and dining pizza. The media was commenting on how the hottest couple of the moment simply disappeared from the look of the camera, since Luana was staying at my apartment.

- Dinner is served! - I yelled, being careful to turn off the stove and put the mac and cheese in just one plate.

Luana entered the kitchen with Boris. They became best friends since she gave him a ham sandwich.

- Chef Malik. Sounds good. - She giggled, grabbing the forks and sitting at the table.

- Don't get used to it. - I told her with a smile, giving a generous mouthful and looking forward to her, waiting for a reaction.

She started to eat without looking at me, smiling lightly when she began to chew.

- Um... - She swallowed, turning her eyes to me. - It's really good!

I opened a smile from ear to ear, excited that she had enjoyed the only food I can cook. We were eating for some time, sitting in a comfortable silence.

- Tomorrow's the trip to Italy... - She commented after another bite - You think you're going to get better till there?

She looked at me and pointed to my purple eye. I said "no", because it was obvious that the bruise was still too deep to be cured in one night. But Luana had worked in the cuts and done the best she could in all the injuries, to the point that everything except the purple eye was almost completely gone.

- But you can wear sunglasses. - She shrugged.

We stayed like that for a while, both eating, laughing lightly when our forks clashed and made a horrible noise.

- You're coming to the airport with us, right? - I asked after a few more moments of silence, the mac and cheese on the plate already ending.

She nodded.

It's in the contract. - She shrugged. - I have to make a dramatic scene as if you were going to war or anything like that.

- Twenty pounds that you can't cry. - I bet, smiling and raising my eyebrows.

She narrowed her eyes, the corners of her mouth bowing in a smile.

- Are you doubting my abilities as an actress? - She laughed. - Deal. Take some tissues for tomorrow.

I laughed in response while Luana took the fork back and poked the mac and cheese.

- Zayn... - She muttered, looking at me and then turning to face the food. - How much time do you think we still have as boyfriends?

I couldn't help feeling a heaviness in my chest with the question. Even though our beginning was forced, I enjoyed her company. I shrugged in an attempt to not sound so upset as I really was.

- Maybe a few more weeks...

The air was tense and neither of us wanted to say something and end up saying the wrong thing. After a few embarrassing minutes, Luana decided to open her mouth to change the subject.

- Dessert! - She stood up, picking up the plate and the forks and the placing in the sink, going to the fridge and taking a pot of ice cream from there, bringing them back to the table with two spoons. - Since our agents aren't here, we eat without guilt.

We smiled at each other.

- I love when her hair is down. - She said suddenly, after a few more spoonfuls.

I lifted my face, staring at her, raising an eyebrow as she laughed lightly.

- Without all that hairspray. You look better - She explained with a smile,

- Thanks. Sometimes I just don't want to fix it up... - I shrugged, feeling my cheeks burn with the compliment.

- What are you going to do in Italy? - She asked.

- Beneficent concert. - I explained with a smile.

- Really? - She raised her eyebrows in surprise, smiling back.

- Yea.. - I assented with my head. - An institution that takes care of children with cancer. I was there at the hospital with the boys and you should see how they are and how their parents are. They can handle so much, those kids are infinitely stronger than all of the band together, is incredible. And when you enter there is a mix of wonderful and sad, because as much as some of the children are very sick, some unable to even get out of bed, they still open a smile and ask for hugs and autographs... - I continued, swinging the spoon in the air while making gestures, seeing that Luana's smile was fading a little bit. - And their parents, you think they'd be angry having to receive five messy teenagers in their hospital rooms, but they are happy to see us, grateful that we can visit their children and play and talk!

Luana had already stopped smiling but she wasn't serious or bored, her eyes were interested and she watched me intensely as I felt the need to keep talking, because I was excited and I wanted to fill the silence.

- You should have seen, one of the little girls we met, Elle, 7 years old, had the most beautiful smile I have ever seen and was about to go shave her hair because of chemotherapy. She looked at Harry and the first thing she...

Before I could finish the story, I was interrupted when Luana left the spoon fall on the table with a snap, while projecting forward in the chair and held my face with both hands, pulling me until our lips were together. My eyes pop out in the first few seconds before closing completely. I could feel her warm hands on my cheeks, contrasting with the cold lips thanks to the ice cream and it was different this time compared to the Park's kiss. This time it wasn't fake and scripted, as two robots that don't match, this time there were no cameras to record nor any obligation. Luana was kissing me because she wanted to.

I seemed to have forgotten that there was a body, all my attention focused on her lips pressed to mine, my hands still in the air. I left the spoon fall on the table and silently laid a hand on her waist, the other on her neck, holding her close.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds until Luana separated from me, pushing me back. I opened my eyes and found her staring at me.

- I'm sorry. - She muttered, but before I could protest she was already getting up - I'm going to sleep, it's getting late and tomorrow is going to be a long day.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the words didn't come out. I closed it again, simply nodding my head and watching Boris following the girl to the bedroom. He has slept with her these days she's spending here and I believe he's going into depression when she leaves.

When I heard the sound of the door closing, I buried my face in my hands. What the hell just happened? There were no cameras around this time, neither fans nor agents screaming, forcing us.

I sighed.

I couldn't be falling in love with her.


Hello guys, hope you're liking it... I need some motivation! U have to comment and vote, so I can update really soon.. bye xx

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