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Jadey POV

I change my mind. What the hell happened today? It shouldn't have happened. Jadey sometimes you are not smart. Why did you kiss him back? I cant fool myself I know I liked it and it was different but, it doesn't matter cause he's not going to know that. I'm not even into him and I don't like him and he stole my kiss. Arrrrrgggg!!!! I'm so furious he stole my kiss and I didn't want him to. From now on I'm just gonna stay away from him.

I went to all my remaining classes and to my bad luck Luke was in most of them. The bell rang for the end of school and I was glad because u would finally get to leave and relax. On my way out I saw Mr Johnson and then I remembered I have detention. 😩

I slowly walked to the detention room hoping that 'that boy' wouldn't come because I really didn't want to see him. I dont mind hearing that he got eaten by sharks or something. I entered the room to see it empty . I let out a heavy breath I didn't even know I was keeping and went to the back to sit.

"Am hi I'm sorry about-" I cut him off before he could even finish his sentence.
"I don't care about what u have to say,  I don't care about you, I don't even like you and whatever happened was already forgotten so it would be nice if you do the world a favor and disappear"
Luke looked a little surprised by what I said but before he opened his mouth to speak his face changed and he started to smirk at me.
" Oh some one is very feisty I see" he said as his smirk widened "I can tell you like me and if not you soon will, so keep hiding your feelings." With that said he smiled and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
He can't get me to like him no matter how hard he tries. I'm used to ignoring people and being alone. I'm just going to ignore the jerk. I walked out of the detention room and went home. It makes no sense I stay there and watch myself because no one else turned up. I made my way down the lonely hall until I reached a corner where I saw two people kissing. Ewwww that's just nasty PA is unacceptable and they should really stop sucking each others faces off.
   As I approached the two persons I noticed the brown hair green eyes and instantly I felt a pain in my chest. I don't know why I did though, it's not like we're together, I don't even like him. But seeing him kiss someone else reminded me of my first wanted kiss the most special kiss I've ever had , the first butterfly feeling heart warming kiss ever and that made my heart sink. I kept my head straight and walked pass them without a second glance. I might have felt hurt but I didn't show it. Emotions don't need to be seen . I just need to feel and not show. I just Hate Luke.

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